10 Common Excuses that are stopping you from traveling. How to overcome them?

Most people will admit to at least a slight desire to travel the world. Many claim that they’d kill to be able to. The problem is, when it comes down to actually making a move, they start spewing excuse after excuse for why they can’t.

Why is this? Well, change isn’t exactly easy or comfortable, is it? Deciding to do the unconventional—to leave a risk-free, stable life at home—is a leap of faith by its own rights.

A leap is never without its rush of adrenaline. That’s a part of what makes it so worth-while, though!

Still, the excuses flow. Some of the most common ones we’ve heard are actually the easiest with which we can play the devil’s advocate.

1. I can’t afford it

10 Common Excuses that are stopping you from traveling. How to overcome them?

We hear this one more than most, and it represents the most common misconception people have about traveling: they don’t understand the concept of budget travel!

This is less than surprising as budget travelers make up a society of their own, and it’s one that seems almost untouched by “normal civilization”.

In other words, you rarely meet people who can inspire you to join the budget travel culture unless you’ve already joined it. Why?

Well, because they’re out there budget traveling, and seeing the world!

That’s where we come in. We’re speaking for all the budget travelers when we say, travel does not have to be expensive by any means.

As a matter of fact, you will probably have one hundred times MORE fun by traveling on a budget.

You will get a much more authentic experience wherever you are, and you’ll meet some pretty amazing people along the way (that you never would’ve met had you just stayed home).

Besides just adapting the way you travel in order to be able to afford it, you should also consider this concept: your priorities determine your life.

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If you truly want to travel, are you prioritizing it? Or are you instead prioritizing a party life, or any other habits which, if minimized, would save you a ton of money?

It might be time to make sure your actions are adding up to the experiences you truly value having in your life.

2. I don’t have anyone to go with

10 Common Excuses that are stopping you from traveling. How to overcome them?

This is one we hear from travelers who have never gone solo-traveling before. How do we know? Because once they travel alone the first time, most people never look back!

Not only can it be an incredibly rewarding, self-empowering experience, but it’s also ironically opposite from what you’d think. You’re rarely alone when you travel solo (unless you want to be, of course).

There exists such a culture of travelers among many of the world’s travel destinations that it’s much easier than you’d think to meet fellow travelers, and even bond with them!

You may be surprised at how much more you can relate to those you meet abroad than you might have from back home. You could even find fulfillment of some void you’ve had your whole life.

Maybe you always felt like you didn’t fit in with people you knew. Maybe you always thought you were a random puzzle piece that didn’t seem to fit anywhere.

Well, you only had a limited sample size to work with! There’s a whole world out there waiting. There are so many more puzzles.

We were never meant to stay put our whole lives…we’re not trees, after all!

3. I’m too young / too old to travel

10 Common Excuses that are stopping you from traveling. How to overcome them?

Age truly does not matter in the travel world. It’s no longer a thing just for young people. These days, it’s not uncommon to come across both couples and families alike as you make your way around the globe.

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Wanderlust, after all, doesn’t discriminate against anyone’s age, race, or gender. It can strike anyone, and those affected shouldn’t resist it in our opinion.

4. I’ll travel next year

10 Common Excuses that are stopping you from traveling. How to overcome them?

Carpe diem, people! Live in this moment, now. We know these things sometimes need a little planning, and that’s fine. Just make sure you start making moves sooner than later. You know how life can get in the way, and before you know it, years will have passed. You don’t want to look back and realize you only ever talked about it, and never actually did anything.

5. Travel is not safe

10 Common Excuses that are stopping you from traveling. How to overcome them?

Travel is perfectly safe. In fact, it’s probably even safer than your normal daily routine at home. Solo travel has become so common nowadays that you’ll come across enough people in the same boat as you, and quickly realize how little there is to be afraid of, and how much there is to simply enjoy.

6. I don’t speak the language

10 Common Excuses that are stopping you from traveling. How to overcome them?

Often, that’s the fun in things. You’ll feel incredibly confident at the other side of a challenging experience you must figure your way around. It may even give you a chance to learn some basics of a new language. Trust us, putting those newfound skills to the test will be pretty damn rewarding.

7. I have never traveled before

10 Common Excuses that are stopping you from traveling. How to overcome them?

Never traveled solo? Then you simply don’t know what you’re missing. Chances are that once you get your first taste of travel, you’ll be falling in love. It’s called getting bitten by the travel bug, and it’s a very real experience!

8. I am stuck with my job

10 Common Excuses that are stopping you from traveling. How to overcome them?

We know how life is. We know it’s common for people to feel “stuck”. But the truth is, you’re never truly stuck. Never.

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Once you make other arrangements and alleviate yourself of certain expenses, you might realize just how do-able your dream trip around Asia, Europe, or South America actually might be. Don’t limit yourself. Think outside the box here, people! There is always a way.

9. I have so many loans

10 Common Excuses that are stopping you from traveling. How to overcome them?

Loans can be a pain. We totally get it.

Did you know, though, that travel can actually pay? Yep. You could be working abroad for a whole year if you wanted. You could teach English in Spain, work at a coffee shop in New Zealand (their minimum wage is pretty great, by the way), and so many other options in-between. When we tell you the sky is the limit, me mean it.

10. I have a family and I have kids! Pets

10 Common Excuses that are stopping you from traveling. How to overcome them?

Having a family is no problem. It may not be quite as fluid or easy-going as solo travel, but it definitely can be done. If you choose to “home-school” your kids, then that can continue their education while they get irreplaceable world experience. They’ll have such an amazing and unique point of view the rest of their lives. 

Pets can certainly hinder the flexibility one aspires to ideally have while traveling, but it certainly doesn’t have to be a deal-breaker. You might have to pay a little extra to fly them along with you, or otherwise figure out a way to have someone take care of them while you’re gone. Regardless of how you do it, it’s worth figuring out.

Lastly, If you take anything away from the above, we hope you take away a refreshing reminder of your quietly brewing sense of adventure, awaiting patiently on the back burner.

We hope you find the inspiration needed to finally act on it, and make the life-changing decision to make your travel dreams come true.

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