Travel Jobs Guide Ways to Make Money

[Best Travel Jobs] – 50 Ways to Make Money Traveling

Did you know that you can earn money while traveling the world?

Gone are the days of having to work ninety-hour weeks in call centers before booking your flight, just to earn enough money to sustain your travels. 

If you plan well and are willing to try new experiences, you can live and work pretty much anywhere in the world while earning a decent salary that can more than sustain your lifestyle. 

In this comprehensive guide, we’re going to introduce you to jobs that allow you to travel. You’ll be surprised to see the incredible variety of jobs that we introduce, and you’ll surely find something to suit your skillset. 

The guide is split into two sections: 

  1. Jobs that are location-dependent. This includes a whole range of work opportunities you can identify in a specific country. 
  2. Jobs that can be done remotely. This includes jobs you can do from your PC, anywhere in the world, providing you have access to the Internet. 

Some travelers make money in various ways and aren’t tied to one specific type of income. This is advisable, as you never know when things might change. 

So, are you ready to learn how to make money while traveling? 

Let’s dive in and take a look at fifty of the best travel jobs. 

Travel Jobs That Are Location Dependent

This first section introduces you to twenty-five travel jobs that we describe as ‘location dependent. This means you actually have to be in a specific place in order to carry out the work, as you will be employed by a company or individual. 

In some instances, you might need to acquire a work visa for these roles, depending on the country that you choose to travel in. It’s best to check in advance if you plan on working, as you don’t want to get thrown out of somewhere for working illegally!

Within each job listing, we will give you a rough idea (in USD) of how much you can earn each month, as well as which countries you are most likely to find work opportunities and some helpful resources you can use to begin your research. 

Let’s begin with one of the most common ways in which people earn money while traveling: Teaching English Abroad. 

  1. English Teacher

Perhaps the most common travel job out there is teaching English, or TEFL as it’s often known. If you’re a native English speaker, job opportunities abound, and you can teach pretty much anywhere in the world. 


Many English teachers head to Asia, particularly if they’re low on classroom experience. Places like China, South Korea, and Thailand tend to offer great opportunities for entry-level teachers, so they can be excellent places to gain experience. 

Earning potential? 

The earning potential for TEFL teachers varies significantly. Entry-level jobs in Asia offer salaries as low as $500 per month, whereas some opportunities in the UAE for qualified teachers can exceed $3,000 per month. 

 TEFL salaries depend on your experience and qualifications, so it’s a good idea to get qualified if you want to earn the best salary. 

Helpful resources

Some travelers are happy to look for work on arrival, but it’s a good idea to do some research before you leave home. The following sites list TEFL jobs and are a good place to begin: 

  1. Yacht crew

If you like the idea of seeing the world from the ocean, working on a private yacht could be the perfect travel job for you. Granted, you have to get your hands dirty, and it’s hard work, but it’s an incredible way of seeing the world and seeing some of the most stunning destinations without spending much money. 


The beauty of working on a yacht is that you’re not based in just one place. If you join a crew in the Caribbean, for instance, you could see some of the most exotic island locations over the course of a few months. You can find jobs online before traveling, so you don’t have to rock up in port cities all over the world with your CV! 

Earning potential? 

You can earn excellent money working on a yacht, but it often depends on the position you hold, as well as the size of the vessel. However, even an entry-level steward/ess can expect to pick up $2,000 per month. For more experienced sailors, your monthly salary can be in excess of $4,000. 

Helpful resources

Before you hit the road, it’s a good idea to line up a job for yourself, or at least connect with some crews to get an idea of what they’re looking for. Some good places to begin include: 

  1. Hostel staff

Hostels all over the world are looking for travelers to work in many roles. You can work as a receptionist, bar staff, housekeeper, or even driver. Hostel jobs are often paid, but in some instances, you volunteer in exchange for your food and board. Either way, it’s a good way to explore a new city for an extended period of time. 


You can find work in hostels all over the world, so it depends on where you hope to travel. There’s a big market for hostel travel jobs in Australia, but you can find opportunities in different countries. 

Earning potential? 

As mentioned, some hostel jobs are voluntary in exchange for food and board. However, part-time workers can expect to earn between $500 – $1,000 per month, depending on where in the world they work. If you work full time, you could expect a monthly salary of up to $2,000. 

Helpful resources 

Lots of travelers find work in hostels by showing up and asking what’s available. However, if you like to plan in advance, you can search for hostel jobs online on the following sites: 

  1. Cruise ship crew

If you don’t fancy working on an exclusive yacht, but like the idea of taking to the sea, you can apply to work on a cruise ship. These floating hotels employ thousands of people in various capacities, including bartenders, casino staff, chefs, massage therapists, housekeepers, entertainers, childminders, and so on. The list is endless; such is the variety of cruise ship jobs. 


Cruise ships have itineraries all over the world. You can find jobs on ships that navigate northern European waterways or travel the coastal waters of the Americas. It’s totally up to you where you look for employment, as cruise ships operate all over the world, all year round. 

Earning potential? 

It’s really hard to say how much you can earn on a cruise ship, as there is such a huge variety of positions. For instance, a housekeeper might earn $1,000 per month, but an executive chef may earn more than $3,000 every month. Some navigational positions and high-ranking ship officials may even earn in excess of $5,000 per month, so it really just depends on your experience and job role. 

Helpful resources 

Cruise ships provide many travelers with jobs in so many different capacities. You will need to line up a position before you pack your bags, and you should use the following websites as a good place to begin your research: 

  1. Bartending

As a traveler, working in a bar can be exciting and an excellent way to meet people. In many popular resorts, you can find seasonal work in nightclubs and bars, but you can also find work in restaurants in different cities, depending on your experience and right to work in the country. However you go about it, bartending is a great way of meeting people in different places. 


For seasonal work, you could head to European tourist hotspots like Mallorca, where you can find work as a bartender during the summer months. That being said, you can find work in a bar in pretty much any country in the world (where alcohol is legal), so take your pick! 

Earning potential. 

Bar work isn’t the best-paid job you can find, and you may have to boost your earnings with tips. If you work decent hours, bartenders can earn between $1,000 to $2,000 per month, but it depends on where you work. 

Helpful resources 

To get a job in a bar, you don’t necessarily need a great deal of experience, making it a popular choice for younger backpackers looking to pick up money while enjoying some lively party destinations. If you hope to work as a bartender while traveling, check out the following websites: 

  1. Scuba diving instructor

Do you fancy trying your hand at one of the coolest jobs in the world? If so, think about training to become a scuba diving instructor. To work in the water, you will need to have completed your PADI Qualifications. The good news about PADI is that you can complete your course in different parts of the world, and you can do this while traveling. 


Wherever there is an ocean, you have a chance to work as a diving instructor. Whether you operate in the coastal waters of the USA, Australia, or Asia, you can earn good money while enjoying life in the ocean. It really is the dream travel job for so many people! 

Earning potential? 

You can earn excellent money as a scuba diving instructor. Entry-level salaries tend to start around $2,000 per month, but you can earn up to $8,000 per month as a commercial diving instructor in some parts of the world. 

Helpful resources 

You can find scuba diving jobs all over the world. Here are some websites that point you in the right direction and provide you with access to job resources: 

  1. Yoga Instructor

Today, travelers recognize the importance of keeping physically fit and investing in their mental wellbeing. Yoga is an incredibly important form of exercise with travelers, as it can be done pretty much anywhere with a mat and the right mindset. As such, many people choose to work as yoga instructors to earn decent money while on the road.  


Like many of the jobs we’ve introduced, you can be a yoga instructor pretty much anywhere in the world! You will find that hostels put on yoga classes for their guests and are interested in hiring qualified instructors who are willing to teach the classes. 

Earning potential? 

Your earning potential as a yoga teacher really depends on how often you’re willing to teach and the agreement you reach with the hostel. If you teach a couple of classes each week, you could earn $500 per month, but if you’re much busier, expect to take home $2,000 every month.

Helpful resources 

If you’re going to be successful as a yoga teacher, you need to make sure you’re qualified. Here are some resources that will help you find work as a yoga teacher: 

  1. Seasonal Fruit Picking

Picking seasonal fruit and vegetables is a popular job with backpackers, as it gives travelers the chance to earn great money while in a particular country. To make the most of seasonal fruit picking jobs, you should ensure you apply for a position before the harvest begins and be in the right place at the right time! 


Fruit picking jobs are popular in Australia, as travelers can be employed while in the country on a working holiday visa. There are also seasonal jobs in places like New Zealand and Italy, so it really just depends on where you are. 

Earning potential? 

For an unskilled job, fruit picking pays extremely well. For instance, in Australia, you can earn around $20 per hour, and with lots of hours available during peak picking season, it’s one of the best-paid travel jobs you can find. 

Helpful resources 

Travelers can look through job boards when searching for fruit and vegetable picking jobs, as it’s a good idea to apply before you arrive to make sure there is work for you. Some useful resources include: 

  1. Au Pair

Au Pair jobs tend to be offered to women and are an excellent option if you love working with kids. As travel jobs go, working as an Au Pair requires a lot of commitment and dedication, as you usually have to stay with a family for the duration of your time in the country. That being said, it’s an awesome way of developing life-long relationships. 


Working as an Au Pair while traveling is a truly global opportunity. Whether it’s France, South Africa, or China, you can find a job as an Au Pair in a country that excites you. 

Earning potential? 

Your earnings as an Au Pair really depend on where you are in the world. For instance, in the US, you would earn a minimum of $195.00 per week, and you are given food and accommodation. It’s not the best-paid travel job, but you will have a truly immersive experience with your host family. 

Helpful resources 

There are so many Au Pair jobs available, but it’s important you use a trusted website, as you need to ensure you have a positive experience. To begin your research, use the following sites: 

  1. Massage Therapist

If you’re a certified massage therapist, you can earn great money while traveling. If you’re not qualified, you can easily obtain qualifications in certain countries and then use your new-found skills to offer massages to clients while traveling. 


There are lots of options open to you, depending on the type of massage therapy you offer. If you want to work in India, for instance, you could earn good money as an Ayurvedic massage therapist while seeing some pretty awesome places at the same time. 

Earning potential? 

You can earn good money as a massage therapist; you just need to work hard to find clients. Depending on the range of your services offered, you could earn anything between $20 – $100 per hour

Helpful resources 

If you want to be inspired to earn a living as a masseuse while traveling, check out the story of this backpacker who turned her massage therapy dream into a reality. She gives lots of insight into how to travel as a massage therapist and makes some helpful suggestions on how to find work when on the road. 

  1. NGO worker or volunteer

Many travelers find fulfilling opportunities in developing countries working or volunteering their time for an NGO. It’s important to note here that we’re not referring to voluntourism – the practice of paying money to perform low-impact volunteering – but actually finding a required and responsible opportunity with an NGO. Even if the position isn’t paid, you are likely to receive a living allowance for your expenses while in the country. 


You can find opportunities to work with NGOs in developing countries all over the world, from sub-Saharan Africa to South America or Central and south-eastern Asia. Where you choose will depend upon where you wish to work and what specific skills you have that could contribute to the organization in question.

Earning Potential?

As mentioned, working for an NGO isn’t likely to pay much, if at all. You could expect to pick up a salary of up to $1,000 per month in many parts of the world, or maybe living expenses and accommodation in the region of $50 per week if the position is voluntary. 

See also:  9 Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of Traveling Abroad

Helpful resources 

NGO jobs and voluntary opportunities are often advertised locally, but there are also many job sites available to cater to the industry. Just be mindful of voluntourism and don’t get caught in the trap of paying to volunteer! Check out the following sites to help you with your research: 

  1. Healthcare professional

If you’re a doctor, nurse, or midwife in your own country and fancy a change of scenery and an opportunity to work abroad, you’re likely to find an opportunity in many parts of the world. Depending upon the position you apply for and the country you’re working in, it can be a very lucrative way of traveling the world while making a real impact in the places that you visit. 


You can find work as a healthcare professional in almost any country in the world, and obtaining a work visa for the purpose is usually straightforward, as every nation’s health sector is seeking qualified individuals to contribute to their healthcare practices. 

Earning potential? 

Again, how much you earn depends upon what type of position you undertake and where in the world you’re working. For instance, some medical professionals like to take a sabbatical to volunteer somewhere else in the world, while others like to earn money while working for a longer period of time. 

Helpful resources 

Healthcare professionals can often find jobs overseas thanks to links that have been developed by their employers. However, if you want to search independently for a position abroad, consider utilizing the following resources: 

  1. Farm hand or agricultural professional

With a general increase in awareness of environmental practices in recent times, many travelers seek out opportunities to work in an agricultural setting while traveling the world. Many of these positions would be considered as ‘entry level’ and require little to no experience but often pay reasonably well. 


Like fruit picking work, lots of travelers head to Australia to get seasonal work on the huge rural ranches, but there are also lots of opportunities in Europe and South America too. 

Earning potential? 

If you work on a farm in Australia, you can expect to be paid somewhere in the region of $20-$25 per hour. The rate will vary depending on how many hours you work, whether food and accommodation are included, and where in the country you are based. 

Helpful resources 

Because farm jobs are competitive due to their popularity with travelers, it’s best to set up an opportunity before you arrive. You can use some of the following sites to see what types of jobs are available and read details of how to apply. 

  1. Flight attendant

If you start a career as a flight attendant, you get the chance to work in a position where traveling to different cities every week is a core requirement. Although not for everyone, flight attendants journey all over the world and get access to hugely discounted flights, hotel rates, and even entrance fees to popular attractions. Although they’re normally based in one part of the world, the opportunity to travel is endless. 


A great thing about becoming a flight attendant is that you can operate from your home country, meaning you don’t need to worry about finding a job abroad. That being said, you can find opportunities all over the world with different airlines. 

Earning potential? 

Flight attendants usually get a decent starting salary, as well as the many traveling perks that we’ve already mentioned. As a flight attendant, you can earn anywhere between $1000 and $4000 per month. 

Helpful resources 

A good place to start looking for work as a flight attendant is on airline websites, as they often publish details of their hiring events. However, some other helpful resources for flight attendant jobs include: 

  1. Tour guide

Some people are fortunate enough to live in areas that are popular with tourists and travelers and can earn money as a local tour guide. However, you could also work as a tour guide in an area that you are particularly fond of and have acquired some decent knowledge about the most interesting sites. Becoming a tour guide is also a great way to meet new people. 


Any city in the world that is popular with tourists needs guides to show visitors around and to describe the historical significance of the place. You might also be able to land a job as a leader of an adventure tour, which would usually be located in the countryside or at least in the vicinity of the points of interest. 

Earning potential? 

It really depends on where you’re based in the world and the volume of tourists you guide, but you can expect to earn anywhere between $1000 and $5000 per month, plus tips from generous clients!

Helpful resources

You can find lots of helpful information about working as a tour guide in the following resources: 

  1. Street vendor

While this might not sound like the most exciting travel job in the world, it’s an excellent way to see a new city and put down some roots in a particular location. Travelers often work as jewelry sellers or any type of trinkets, for that matter that they can get their hands on and head out into markets to sell. 


Naturally, you should pick a location with lots of tourists, and be sure that you can source the materials and equipment needed to create your products. It would also help if you worked somewhere that isn’t too worried about licenses and permits, as this can be a significant barrier to vendors in some parts of the world. 

Earning potential? 

This really depends upon what you sell and what the tourist market is like. However, if you’re a naturally gifted salesperson, you could easily pull in a profit of between $200 and $2000 per month, even just working part-time. 

Helpful resources 

Because of the independent nature of a street vendor’s work, you need to get creative to source opportunities. To find out more about street vending, take a look at the following sites: 

  1. Festival workers

We know lots of travelers enjoy moving from place to place to enjoy some of the world’s most popular music festivals. Whether it’s Glastonbury or Tomorrowland, there are festivals throughout the year in different parts of the world that need staff to operate. You can work as a ticket seller, caterer, or even steward, and it’s an excellent way to get into the venues for free. 


You can plan to follow a particular continent’s music festival circuit and move from place to place. It’s a good idea to check their websites a few months in advance so you can look and apply for employment opportunities. 

Earning potential. 

You don’t get overly well paid as a festival worker, but you can at least expect free gig tickets and a minimum wage salary of between $12 and $20 per hour, depending on where the festival takes place. 

Helpful resources 

You should begin by looking at the websites of each of the festivals that you hope to work at, as they will list details of their hiring intentions. For more information about working at music festivals, check out the following resources: 

  1. Foreign service officer

These job opportunities might be few and far between, but working in your country’s foreign service is an excellent way of living and working in a particular part of the world while serving your country. To get a job with your foreign service, you will need a university degree, knowledge of a second language, and the ability to pass a number of skills-based and aptitude tests. 


Depending on your nationality, you can find a job in most nations all over the world. As mentioned, you’re usually required to have a working knowledge of the spoken language of the country that you will be posted to. 

Earning potential? 

Although jobs vary significantly, you can earn excellent money in a foreign service role, somewhere in the region of $2000 – $10,000 per month. For those that acquire them, it’s an excellent career path to follow. 

Helpful resources 

Most job openings are listed on your government’s website, so you should take a look at the current opportunities currently offered by your nation. Generally speaking, you could look to connect to people within the service via Linkedin to see any postings they share, and you can also check out this blog for more information about how to get a diplomatic position.  

  1. Surfing instructor

Yet another water-based role, if you love taking to the waves and have a talent, you could try your hand at becoming a surf instructor. While it might not be the best-paid position, it’s arguably the most fun travel job out there, and it’s an excellent opportunity to get paid for something you love while meeting new people. 


As you would expect, you will find most surfing instructor opportunities on the coast. For the ultimate experience, you could head to some of the world’s surfing hotspots in places like Bali and Portugal, where you can find huge waves and lots of job opportunities. 

Earning potential? 

Most surf instructors do their job for the love of it rather than the paycheck. That being said, you can still expect a reasonable salary of between $1000 and $2000 per month, but of course, it depends on your chosen destination. 

Helpful resources 

In many parts of the world, there are huge surfing communities where you can arrive and connect to people who will help you find a job. If you would prefer to line something up in advance, you could check out the following resources and use them as a helpful place to begin: 

  1. Travel agent

While this job doesn’t necessarily involve traveling, it’s all about travel! If you’re travel mad, working as an agent is a very rewarding career, as you get to put your passion for travel to the test. What’s more, agents are expected to have sufficient knowledge of the vacations they’re selling, so you’re expected to undertake travel as a form of market research. It’s an excellent way to benefit from all those travel discounts you’re entitled to. 


As a travel agent, you will most likely work in the country that you’re living in. That being said, some agents working in countries where specific travel services are offered, so it just depends on the type of job that’s available.

Earning potential? 

In an entry-level position, you can expect to earn $1000-$2000 per month, but as you add to your experience, you will be able to increase your salary significantly.

Helpful resources 

You can find travel agent jobs by looking at recruitment sites in your home country. The good news is that for many entry-level jobs, you don’t need any specific qualifications. Here are some interesting resources that give you more information about working as a travel agent: 

  1. Oil rig operative

Working offshore on an oil rig can be incredibly lucrative. What’s more, the benefits of working on the ocean means you don’t have to pay tax on your earnings. That being, working on rigs is hard work, and there are long hours involved. But a six-month stint on an oil rig could pay for your travels for years if you save well. 


You can work on oil rigs anywhere in the world, but jobs off the UK coast tend to be the best paid in the world. Just make sure you’re prepared for the cold wind and biting rain! 

Earning potential? 

You can earn an absolute fortune by working on an oil rig. Workers can expect salaries of anywhere between $500 to $1000 per day in some cases, although you have to work long hours and be prepared to work for many days without rest. 

Helpful resources 

To find out more information about working on oil rigs, you will find the following resources useful: 

  1. Chef

If you love preparing food, you might like to try your hand at working as a chef. Although the hours can be long and it is often stressful to work in a kitchen in your own country, working abroad presents many exciting opportunities, as you get to learn new skills and work with interesting dishes. 


Food is consumed in every country in the world, so you can find work as a chef pretty much anywhere! That being said, it’s a good idea to match the country’s cuisine to your skills and interests. 

Earning potential? 

How much you earn as a chef depends on your role within a kitchen and also your experience. At the start of your career, expect to be paid around $1500 per month, but executive chefs can take home more than $8000 in some exclusive restaurants around the world. 

Helpful resources 

As a chef, you might like the idea of working abroad at specific times of the year or during busy tourism seasons. This is an excellent way to add to your portfolio and get the experience of different working environments. The following resources will help you find the perfect job abroad: 

  1. Grocery shopper 

Did you know that you can earn money by shopping for other people’s groceries? While it’s not the most profitable job in the world, it’s a handy way to make a little bit of pocket money while on the road, particularly if you’re traveling through the US or Canada. 


Personal grocery shoppers are most common in the US or Canada, and you can often find opportunities by looking on Facebook groups and on Craigslist. It’s not a job that exists in every country in the world, but it’s handy to make some extra money while on the road in North America. 

Earning potential?

If you sign up for a service like Instacart, you can expect to earn between $10 and $20 per hour. If you find opportunities on Facebook or Craigslist, be prepared to negotiate, as your earning potential depends on what individuals are willing to pay you. 

Helpful resources

As has been mentioned, Craigslist and Facebook are ideal places to begin your research when looking for a personal grocery shopper role. You can also sign up to be a shopper on Instacart, which is a dedicated delivery service that helps you find opportunities in the area that you’re currently in.

  1. Delivery driver or cyclist 

In the present day, online shopping has never been so popular. As such, companies are always on the lookout for delivery drivers or cyclists to help them meet their huge delivery quotas every day. Depending on the country you’re in, it can be easy to pick up a short-term job as a driver or cyclist, particularly during holiday seasons when demand increases. 

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Delivery jobs are popular throughout Europe, Australia, and North America, where people are reliant on online shopping for everything from their clothes to the food that they eat. A quick search on any job site will introduce you to countless delivery driver/cyclist opportunities. 

Earning potential? 

Most delivery drivers and cyclists are paid depending on how many deliveries they make, so it’s hard to say exactly how much you can expect to earn. That being said, you can expect your hourly rate to be somewhere in the region of $15 to $25 per hour. 

Helpful resources 

You can find delivery jobs on all major job sites, so it’s a good idea to begin your search on a site like Indeed to get an idea of what jobs are available in a particular country. Other helpful places to begin your research include: 

  1. House or pet sitter

House and pet sitting is an excellent way to find accommodation in the place you’re traveling in, and also earn some decent money in return for your services. You will find that most people who look for house sitters have beautiful homes, so it’s often well worth your while to look for opportunities! 


House and pet sitting opportunities exist all over the world, whether it’s in a penthouse apartment in New York City or in a stunning countryside resort in southern Europe. 

Earning potential?

Many house and pet sitting roles are unpaid and simply offer you free accommodation, bills, and food in return for looking after the home. Some families offer you a small stipend to look after their homes, and you might expect anywhere between $100 to $200 per week, depending on where you are in the world. 

Helpful resources 

You can find lots of house and pet sitting jobs online. It’s becoming an increasingly popular way for travelers to see different parts of the world, as it provides an awesome saving on accommodation bills. Check out the following sites for house and pet sitting opportunities: 


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Travel Jobs That Can Be Done Remotely

So, there you have it. Twenty-five awesome jobs you can do while you’re traveling to new places. But what about the endless opportunities for those that prefer the digital nomad lifestyle? 

In the second section of this post, we share twenty-five more job opportunities you can do while you’re on the road, but this time, you only need your laptop and access to a decent internet connection. 

In the second half of this post, we’ve removed the ‘where’ section, as these jobs can be done from anywhere in the world!

 Sound good? Let’s dive in and take a look at the best online jobs you can do while traveling. 

  1. Blogger

 If you’re a talented writer, you can make money as a blogger. You can write about pretty much anything that you’re interested in, including travel, food and drink, minimalism, mindfulness, sports, etc. There are so many options; you just have to find an interesting niche that you’re passionate about. Much of your income will come from affiliate marketing, advertising, selling products, and influencer projects, and it takes time to build an audience on your site.

Earning potential? 

Your earning potential really depends on the traffic you attract to your blog. The more visitors to your site, the more you can make. In the early days, you will be happy to make up to $500 per month, but when things take off, you could make up to $20,000+ per month! Just be aware that you have to start slowly, and it takes time to put in the required effort. 

Helpful resources 

Anyone can start a blog, but it’s not easy to earn money from it. In order to do so, you need to do some research into how to monetize your blog and perhaps even complete some basic courses in SEO to understand how Google rankings work! To get you started, check out the following resources:

  1. Online language tutor

If you don’t fancy teaching English abroad in a classroom, you can earn money while traveling by offering your services as a language tutor. The great news is that you don’t necessarily need a qualification, you just need to be fluent in the language that you’re teaching, and people will pay you to have a conversation with them!  

Earning potential? 

As an online language tutor, you can set your own prices. If you have a qualification (like TEFL), you can generally earn more money, so it’s a good idea to invest in an online course so you can increase your earning potential. Language tutors can earn between $10 and $25 per hour for a simple conversational class, whereas language teachers can earn more than $30 per hour for their services. 

Helpful resources

The best way to find work as a language tutor is to sign up to a language learning website, where students can find you. Conversely, you could look for work from a specific company that offers language tutoring jobs in different parts of the world. The former gives you more freedom, but the latter gives you more guarantees of regular work. You can use the following websites as a good starting point: 

  1. Web designer

If you’re able to design websites for clients, you can earn a lot of money while traveling to different parts of the world. Whether you’re proficient in WordPress or Wix, you can charge a significant fee to people who are looking to get their site professionally designed. 

Earning potential? 

Good web designers command a huge fee, and the more work you add to your portfolio, the more you can charge for your services. Most web developers charge per project, but you can expect to make anywhere between $50-$100 per hour if you can guarantee an excellent website that your clients will be proud of. 

Helpful resources 

Some web developers like to be freelancers and set their own prices on popular freelancing sites like Upwork and Fiverr. Alternatively, you can find jobs for companies that allow you to work remotely from anywhere in the world. Either way is fine; it just depends on your preference. Here are some resources to get you started: 

  1. Translator 

Are you bi-or-multi-lingual? If so, you have an excellent opportunity to put your language skills to good use by securing a travel job as a translator. You can find jobs in international corporations, government departments, and with multi-national not-for-profit-organizations like the UN. You usually have to prove your language skills beforehand, and a certification from an established body goes a long way! 

Earning potential? 

Translators command an excellent fee for their services, particularly if the language you speak is in high demand. You could expect to pick up anywhere between $25 and $100 per hour for certain tasks, depending on the employer. 

Helpful resources

Some translator jobs can be found through standard job boards like Indeed, so be sure to start your search there. However, the resources listed below post translation jobs from different parts of the world, so they will help you with finding the ideal job while you’re traveling: 

  1. Writer

Writing for a living is slightly different from earning money as a blogger. As a freelance writer, you produce content for other people who then publish it on their websites. You tend to write on a vast array of topics and will have to spend some time researching and perfecting your skills. That being said, there are so many opportunities for freelance writers, so it’s the ideal way of earning money while traveling. 

Earning potential? 

Some sites pay writers per word, others pay per hour, and some pay a monthly retainer for a set amount of words. It really just depends on how you work as a writer. You can expect to earn in the region of $20 to $30 per hour when writing for other people’s websites, but if you set yourself up as a freelancer, you can charge more for your services. 

Helpful resources

As a freelance writer, you aren’t short of places where you can find work. Clients can approach you on popular freelancing sites such as Fiverr, but you can also look for ongoing work from various sources. The listed resources below are a helpful place to start your research: 

  1. Social Media content creator

Do you have a knack for creating awesome social media content that brings in lots of likes, comments, and new followers? If so, you could earn money by creating social media content for people in different niches. Alternatively, you might just be talented at writing captivating posts and managing people’s online portfolios. Either way, there’s decent money to be made in social media content creation. 

Earning potential? 

Social media content creators can earn good money, and your earning potential depends on your client base. For instance, you could comfortably charge $100 per project per month for 2-3 posts per week. Many social media content creators tie in their work with other freelancing jobs, such as online marketing, writing, or even web design. 

Helpful resources

Securing a travel job as a social media content creator takes some time, but it can be lucrative. Here are a couple of helpful articles that tell you everything you need to know about finding work online as a social media content creator 

  1. Editor and Proofreader

If you have a good command of the English language (or any other language, for that matter), you can promote your services as an editor and proofreader. There are so many things that you can read and review, from e-books to academic assignments, so you have lots of opportunities to find work online. 

Earning potential? 

It’s up to you how you charge for your time, but you might like to charge per word, per hour, or per project. Editors and proofreaders can usually earn between $20 to $30 per hour for their services, but you can always charge more depending on the type of work that you’re editing. Book projects, for instance, usually fetch a higher fee than blog posts and academic papers. 

Helpful resources

You can set yourself up as a freelance editor on Fiverr, and clients will find you and inquire about your services. If you would prefer to find ready-made jobs as an editor, you can check out the following resources: 

  1. Photographer 

What’s not to like about traveling to new parts of the world, taking stunning pictures, and getting paid at the same time? Travel photographers perhaps have the most enjoyable job in the world, but it’s a competitive industry to get into. However, if you have a good camera and travel frequently, it’s more than possible to earn money while taking pictures on the road. 

Earning potential?

There are many ways that you can sell your photos online. If you sell your images to stock sites like Shutterstock, you can expect to pick up less than $1 per photo. While this seems like nothing, it’s a good way to earn money on pics that might otherwise just be sitting on your memory stick. Alternatively, if you use a site like Alamy, the average image sells for more than $85 each!  

Helpful resources

It’s helpful to do a little bit of research into your options before you commit to selling your pictures to a specific site. This is because licensing rules and agreed rates vary markedly from site to site. Take a look at the following resources to help begin your research: 

  1. Social Media influencer 

You’ve heard all about social media influencers. Your timeline is probably dominated by them, too. To earn money as an influencer, you need a specific niche and thousands of engaged followers that are interested in the content that you’re putting out into the world. Once your account is popular, you can make money by promoting services and businesses on your profile.

Earning potential? 

Social media influencers tend to be extremely well paid for the products that they promote on their pages. Influencers tend to charge depending on how many engaged followers they have, but they can earn anywhere between $75 and $350 per post and perhaps even more if they have a large following. 

Helpful resources

To get started as a social media influencer, you need to grow your audience organically. After that, you can look to other resources to help you find work and market certain products that will support you to earn a good living while traveling. The following three resources are good places to begin your research: 

  1. Virtual Assistant 

Virtual assistants get up to all sorts of things and are hired by digital nomads and online entrepreneurs to help them manage their workload and complete various tasks that are integral to their business operations. Virtual assistants reply to emails, make bookings and appointments, and even carry out tasks like marketing and promoting a specific product. 

Earning potential? 

Most virtual assistants work at an hourly rate, starting at around $10 per hour. However, the more experience you have and the more skills you can offer to clients, the more you will be able to increase your hourly rate. 

Helpful resources

So many freelancers and online entrepreneurs are looking for virtual assistants to help them manage their portfolios. As such, you can find lots of job opportunities on popular freelancing platforms like Fiverr and Upwork. For more information about virtual assistants, you can read relevant information from the following sources: 

  1. SEO expert 

If you know anything about search engine optimization (SEO for short), you will know that it’s a lucrative business to get into. Businesses all over the world are competing to rank highly on Google, so potential customers can find their products and services easily. If you know how to help people improve their website’s ranking, they’re willing to pay a hefty fee for your services. 

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Earning potential? 

You can earn excellent money as an SEO expert, as improving your client’s ranking on Google is huge for their business. SEO experts charge anywhere between $50 and $100 per hour for their services, so as you can see, the earning potential is significant. 

Helpful resources 

To find out more about SEO and to learn how you can become an SEO expert while traveling, you can make use of the following helpful resources: 

  1. Video creator and editor 

In the age of digital marketing, companies realize the importance of creating excellent video content to market their products and services. If you have the skills to put together awesome video content, you can make a decent living on the road as a video creator and editor. 

Earning potential?  

There are a couple of ways you can earn money by creating and editing videos online. Firstly, you can sell parts of your videos for commercial projects. Alternatively, you can upload your videos to sites like Daily Motion, and you will receive a payout for each video that is viewed a certain number of times. To take Daily Motion as an example, they offer a 70% profit share on all videos uploaded. 

Helpful resources 

If you’re confident in your video editing skills, you can head online and look for ways in which to monetize your videos. The following resources will help you with your research: 

  1. Write and publish an e-book

The publishing industry has changed dramatically in the past decade, and it has never been easier to write and publish an e-book than it is now. If you have specialist knowledge about a particular topic that can help people become successful or make money in a certain niche, you have a good chance of making good money from e-book publishing. 

Earning potential?

Most e-books sell for a few dollars, and publishing sites like Kindle Direct Publishing offer writers 70% royalty on every book that they sell. The trick to making good money from e-book publishing is to scale your project and attract readers from all over the world, so you rank highly on the Amazon store and wherever else your book is sold. 

Helpful resources

If you have a good idea for an e-book topic, you can start your research by checking out the following resources: 

  1. App tester 

Lots of travelers work as app testers when they’re on the road, as a way of earning some spending money during their trip. It doesn’t pay overly well and isn’t ideal for a full-time job, but it’s a decent way of adding to your portfolio of income while traveling. 

Earning potential?

Most app and website developers will pay between $5 and $15 per test, and they usually take less than thirty minutes to complete. 

Helpful resources

You can sign up as an app tester on the User Testing website. You generally need a good internet connection, the ability to speak English fluently, and the time to complete the task required of you. It’s a super simple way of making money online. 

  1. Paid surveys

Like app testing, completing paid surveys won’t make you a millionaire, but you will be able to earn some decent money on the side. You just need to be careful about where you sign up to complete surveys, as not all of the websites you will come across are legitimate. You might find yourself laden with spam once you’ve submitted your email address if you aren’t careful. 

Earning potential? 

You can earn between $5 and $10 for some surveys, and others offer discounts and unique promotions for certain products and services, which end up saving you money and providing you with access to exclusive discounts. 

Helpful resources

 It’s important not to sign up for any surveys on websites that you don’t trust, as you can expose yourself to viruses and an endless stream of spam and junk mail. The following websites are a good place to begin looking for paid surveys to complete: 

  1. Youtuber

Similar to social media influencers, YouTubers can make an excellent living while traveling. In fact, working as a Youtuber is one of the best travel jobs out there, as you can contribute to your online community from anywhere in the world and earn great money doing whatever it is that you’re passionate about. With more than one billion users, YouTube is the perfect platform on which to begin your vlogging journey and to make decent money. 

Earning potential?

The way you make money on YouTube is by monetizing your profile with ads. When you grow your following, and your videos increase in popularity, you can earn between $1 and $10 per 1000 views. If you tap into a trending niche and post regularly, the sky’s the limit in terms of how much money you can earn as a Youtuber. 

Helpful resources

It’s helpful to spend some time watching videos from Youtubers that currently inspire you. You can use them as a motivation to start your own channel. When you know what content you’re going to upload to your followers, the following resources will help you monetize your youtube channel: 

  1. Dropshipping

Dropshipping is an intuitive and unique business venture that can be extremely lucrative if you get your offer right. From anywhere in the world, you can set up a business where customers order a product, and it is shipped directly from a third party. While it’s your business, you don’t actually handle the product, which means you can do it from anywhere you have access to the internet. 

Earning potential? 

The money you can earn through drop shipping really just depends on the product that you’re selling. Low-income campaigns can return a relatively low profit, but if you get your logistics worked out, successful dropshipping entrepreneurs can make more than $50,000 per year. 

Helpful resources

To get started with dropshipping, it’s a good idea to learn about how other people have gone about the business. Some interesting resources for your consideration include: 

  1. Voice-Over Artist

If you have an awesome voice, you can offer your services as a voice-over artist. You can do voice-overs for audiobooks, online courses, and documentaries. There’s a lot of work out there, and businesses are always on the lookout for soothing and interesting voices to enhance their marketing campaigns or product launches. 

Earning potential? 

Successful voice-over artists command high fees, with audiobook narrators fetching between $200 and $300 per hour. 

 Helpful resources

There are many ways in which voice-over artists can earn money, so it’s helpful to familiarize yourself with the various options available to you. The following websites are a good place to begin your research into voice over artist jobs: 

  1. Affiliate Marketing 

Affiliate marketing is perhaps the best of all travel jobs. Why? Because once set up, you can earn money while you sleep. If you haven’t heard of affiliate marketing, it’s the process of promoting someone else’s business and products and earning a commission on sales when a customer makes a purchase through your link. Although it’s not easy, it’s a fantastic opportunity to earn money from your website or blog while traveling.

Earning potential? 

Because lots of people see affiliate marketing as a side hustle, the earning potential varies greatly from site to site. A decent marketer can make anything from $10,000 to $400,000 per year, depending on the amount of traffic they attract to their website. 

Helpful resources

 Affiliate marketing only really works if you have a successful website with good traffic and many unique visitors. If you already have that in place, you can use the following links to find out more about how affiliate marketing works: 

  1. Transcriptionist

One of the easiest remote jobs you can do is the job of a transcriptionist. Although it’s a flashy title, it basically just requires you to listen to audio files and transcribe what you hear. If you’re good at typing, it’s possible to make excellent money transcribing audio files, and it’s an excellent travel job to do while on the road. 

Earning potential?

Transcriptionists are usually paid by the audio hour, not necessarily the hour worked. This is something you should be aware of when taking on work because it might take more than an hour to transcribe an hour’s worth of content (if that makes sense)! Beginners can earn as little as $10 per hour, but with experience, that can double to more than $20 per hour. 

Helpful resources 

The following resources share some websites where you can find opportunities to work as a transcriptionist and also provide you with some information about what the job actually entails: 

  1. Accountant 

Lots of people think that accountants have the most boring job in the world. While that might be true in some cases, if you can work as an accountant while sitting on a Thai beach with a mocktail in hand, the work might seem a little less dull! These days, many accountants can work remotely, meaning you can do the work from anywhere in the world! 

Earning potential? 

Accountants earn good money, but your earning potential depends upon your qualifications. Freelance accountants can make anywhere from $40,000 to $100,000+ per year, and they enjoy the fact that they can work on a variety of projects with different clients. 

Helpful resources

If you have an accounting qualification, it’s perfectly possible to find an excellent range of freelance accounting jobs online. You can use the following websites as a starting point:

  1. Online coach

If you’re a talented life or business coach, you can set up your services online and work with your clients via Zoom and using other online tools. People seek out coaches to help them with various aspects of their lives, including health and nutrition, personal development, and various business practices. Coaching is a rewarding way to earn a living, and you can make good money while you’re at it. 

Earning potential?

Coaches tend to charge an hourly rate for their services, so you can think about how much you want to earn. You can expect to earn between $50 and $100 per hour if you’re a competent coach in a competitive field. 

Helpful resources

Working as an online coach is a great way to earn money while traveling, and helping people to achieve their personal and professional goals is extremely rewarding. You can use the following websites to help you get started as an online coach:

  1. Graphic designer

If you’re a creative professional with skills in software like Photoshop and Illustrator, you can earn money creating graphics and other content for your clients. Many graphic designers take on projects in their spare time while on the road, as much of their work can be done in a relatively short space of time. However you work, there are many opportunities to earn money while traveling as a graphic designer. 

Earning potential?

Whether you can offer logo design, branding guidelines, or social media content, there’s a lot of work to be had as a graphic designer. High-end graphic designers often earn more than $50 per hour, but you can earn even more than this if you have a range of skills. 

Helpful resources

You can market your services as a graphic designer on any of the popular freelancing websites (Fiverr, Freelancer, Upwork, etc.) The following resources give you an idea of how to market your work and how much you can earn: 

  1. Create an online course 

If you’re particularly talented in a certain field, you might like to consider creating an online course that you can then sell to people interested in improving their skills and talents. Creating an online course is something that you can sell through your website, and it also gives clients more confidence when it comes to hiring you for specific projects. 

Earning potential?  

Depending on how popular your course is, you can easily make more than $1000 per month by attracting people to sign up for your online course. Your earning really depends on how good you are at marketing your services! 

Helpful resources

Although it sounds like a huge undertaking, creating an online course isn’t overly difficult and doesn’t require a great deal of technical expertise. You can use the following websites to help you create the perfect online course: 

  1. Sell t-shirts online 

Selling t-shirts online is a fun way of making some extra money while traveling. The great thing is that it doesn’t require a huge amount of upfront investment, and you can make money by attracting customers via social media. Often, the best-selling t-shirts are just simple designs with funny or inspiring quotes, nothing too difficult to put together! 

Earning potential? 

If you create t-shirts that are unique and within a specific niche, you can make excellent money by selling them online. You can make anything from $500 to $5000 per month from selling t-shirts online, which is excellent income when you’re traveling. 

Helpful resources

To get your online t-shirt business underway, you can check out the following websites and see how other designers have got their products off the ground:

Ending Note

As you can see, there are so many ways you can make money while traveling the world! Long gone are the days where you had to work long hours in a call center before setting off on a round-the-world-trip. 

If you’re careful, you can plan your adventure, so you earn money from any of these amazing travel jobs while you’re on the road. 

With so much choice, you don’t have to limit yourself to just one of these jobs, and many travelers earn income from a variety of sources. 

Whichever way you decide to earn money, we hope you’ve found this guide has inspired you to look at traveling in a different light, and you can now have the confidence to earn money while you’re visiting some of the world’s most enjoyable sites. 

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