Frequently Asked Questions About Democratic Republic of Congo

General FAQs for Democratic Republic of Congo

What is the capital city of Democratic Republic of Congo?

The capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo is Kinshasa.

What currency do I need in Democratic Republic of Congo?

The currency used in the Democratic Republic of Congo is the Congolese Franc.

What is the official language of Democratic Republic of Congo?

The official languages spoken in the Democratic Republic of Congo are French and Lingala. However, there are over 200 local languages spoken throughout the country. The most commonly spoken local language is Swahili.

When should I visit Democratic Republic of Congo?

The best time to visit the Democratic Republic of Congo is during the dry season, which runs from June to September. However, visitors should be aware that this is also the busiest time of year in terms of tourism.

How many days do you need in Democratic Republic of Congo?

A trip to the Democratic Republic of Congo can be as short as a few days or as long as a few weeks. It all depends on what you want to see and do while you are in the country. For example, if you want to visit the Virunga National Park, you will need at least a few days.

What are the emergency phone numbers in Democratic Republic of Congo?

The emergency numbers in the Democratic Republic of Congo are 112 for the police, 113 for the fire department, and 114 for the ambulance service.

Places FAQs For Democratic Republic of Congo

What are the must visit places in Democratic Republic of Congo?

Some of the best places to visit in the Democratic Republic of Congo include Virunga National Park, Kahuzi-Biega National Park, and Salonga National Park.

What is the best mode to travel in Democratic Republic of Congo?

The best way to get around in the Democratic Republic of Congo is by plane. There are a number of domestic airlines that service the major cities in the country. However, visitors should be aware that travel within the country can be expensive.

Budget FAQs For Democratic Republic of Congo

How much will the vacation in Democratic Republic of Congo cost?

The cost of a trip to the Democratic Republic of Congo will vary depending on how long you stay and what you do while you are in the country. For example, a flight from Brussels to Kinshasa can cost upwards of $1,000. A visa for entry into the country will cost $100. And, hotels in the city center can cost $250 per night.

How much is the cost of eating out in Democratic Republic of Congo?

A meal in the Democratic Republic of Congo will cost between $2 and $20, depending on where you eat and what you order. For example, a meal at a local restaurant will cost less than a meal at a more upscale establishment.

What is the cost of accommodation in Democratic Republic of Congo?

Accommodation in the Democratic Republic of Congo will cost between $25 and $250 per night, depending on the type of accommodation you choose. For example, a room at a budget hotel will cost less than a suite at a luxury hotel.

What is the cheapest time to travel Democratic Republic of Congo?

The cheapest time to visit the Democratic Republic of Congo is during the rainy season, which runs from October to May. However, visitors should be aware that this is also the least popular time of year in terms of tourism.

Culture FAQs For Democratic Republic of Congo

How are the people in Democratic Republic of Congo generally?

The people of the Democratic Republic of Congo are generally friendly and welcoming. However, visitors should be aware that there is a lot of poverty in the country, and beggars may approach them. It is also important to be respectful of local customs and traditions.

Which food dishes should I try in Democratic Republic of Congo?

Some of the popular dishes in the Democratic Republic of Congo include fufu (a starchy dish made from cassava or plantain), ndizi (plantains), and kwanga (a type of smoked fish).

What are the favorite sports in Democratic Republic of Congo?

Football (soccer) is the most popular sport in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Other popular sports include basketball, volleyball, and boxing.

What are the major religions in Democratic Republic of Congo?

The common religions in the Democratic Republic of Congo include Christianity, Islam, and traditional African religions.

What are the famous festivals in Democratic Republic of Congo?

Some of the popular festivals celebrated in the Democratic Republic of Congo include New Year’s Day, Easter, and Independence Day.

What souvenirs to bring back from Democratic Republic of Congo?

Some souvenirs that visitors to the Democratic Republic of Congo can purchase include wood carvings, baskets, and fabrics.