Frequently Asked Questions About Reunion Island

General FAQs for Reunion Island

Which is the capital city of Reunion Island?

The capital of Reunion Island is Saint-Denis. Located in the Indian Ocean, Reunion Island is a French territory and home to more than 800,000 people. Founded in 1646, Saint-Denis is a bustling city with a rich history and many cultural attractions. Whether you are interested in museums, restaurants, or outdoor activities, there is something for everyone in Saint-Denis. So if you are planning a trip to Reunion Island, be sure to add Saint-Denis to your itinerary!

What is best currency to use in Reunion Island?

The currency used in Reunion Island is the euro. Reunion Island is a French territory and part of the Eurozone, which means that it uses the euro as its official currency. Other major currencies that are commonly accepted on the island include the US dollar and British pound. Whether you are planning to visit Reunion Island for business or pleasure, be sure to familiarize yourself with the local currency ahead of time in order to make your travels easier and more convenient.

What are most spoken languages in Reunion Island?

The primary language spoken in Reunion Island is French. As a French territory, Reunion Island uses the French language as its official language, and most residents are fluent in this language. In addition to French, other languages that may be spoken on the island include Creole and Chinese, both of which are commonly used among the island’s diverse population. Whether you are planning a trip to Reunion Island or already living there, it is important to be familiar with the local languages in order to better connect with the local community and enjoy your time on the island.

When should I visit Reunion Island?

There is no one “best” time to visit Reunion Island, as the weather and various other factors can vary depending on the time of year. That being said, many travelers choose to visit Reunion Island during the dry season, which typically runs from May to October. During this time, you can expect generally pleasant weather conditions with minimal rainfall, making it a popular choice for those looking to explore all that Reunion Island has to offer. Whatever time of year you choose to visit Reunion Island, be sure to plan ahead and do your research in order to make the most of your trip.

How many days are required for traveling in Reunion Island?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as the length of your trip will largely depend on what you hope to accomplish during your time on Reunion Island. That being said, most visitors typically spend anywhere from a few days to a couple weeks in Reunion Island, depending on their travel plans and other obligations back home. Whether you are planning a quick weekend getaway or a longer vacation, be sure to carefully research the many things to see and do on Reunion Island in order to ensure that you make the most of your time there. In the end, only you can decide how much time is right for your trip to Reunion Island!

What are the emergency phone numbers in Reunion Island?

The primary emergency number in Reunion Island is 112. This number can be used to report any type of emergency, including medical emergencies, fires, and natural disasters. Other important emergency numbers in Reunion Island include 17 for the police department and 15 for the fire department. It is always a good idea to familiarize yourself with these numbers before traveling to Reunion Island, as they may come in handy in the event of an emergency. Additionally, it is also a good idea to have the contact information for your local embassy or consulate on hand, just in case you need assistance during your time on the island.

Places FAQs For Reunion Island

There are many great places to visit in Reunion Island, depending on your interests and travel style. Some popular options include the Piton de la Fournaise volcano, the beautiful beaches along the coast, and historic colonial towns like Saint-Denis. Other popular attractions include national parks, hiking trails, cultural festivals, and more.

What is the best mode to travel in Reunion Island?

There are a number of different options for getting around in Reunion Island, depending on your travel style and budget. Some popular choices include renting a car, taking public transportation like buses or ferries, hiring a taxi, or using ride-sharing services like Uber or Lyft. Ultimately, the best way to get around in Reunion Island will depend on your travel needs and preferences, so it is important to do some research ahead of time to determine which option is best for you. However, no matter how you choose to get around in Reunion Island, be sure to stay alert and always practice safe driving or riding practices.

Budget FAQs For Reunion Island

How much will the vacation in Reunion Island cost?

Depending on your travel style and budget, a trip to Reunion Island can vary in cost, with prices ranging anywhere from several hundred dollars to several thousand dollars or more. Some common expenses that you may need to consider include airfare, accommodation, food and drink, transportation within the country, entertainment and activities, and any required visas or travel documents. It is important to do some research ahead of time to determine exactly what your trip will cost, and to set a realistic budget that you can stick to throughout your travels. By planning ahead and being mindful of your spending, you can make the most out of your time in Reunion Island without breaking the bank.

How much is the cost of eating out in Reunion Island?

The cost of a meal in Reunion Island can vary depending on the type of food you are eating, where you are dining, and other factors. On average, it is generally possible to find affordable meals at local restaurants, street stalls, cafes, and other casual dining spots. However, if you are looking for more upscale options or want to sample the local cuisine, you may need to be prepared to pay a bit more. Ultimately, the cost of meals in Reunion Island will depend on your individual preferences and travel budget, so it is important to do some research ahead of time and plan accordingly. By doing so, you can ensure that you are able to enjoy all that Reunion Island has to offer without breaking the bank.

What is the average cost of stay in Reunion Island?

The cost of accommodation in Reunion Island can vary considerably depending on a number of factors, including the type of lodging you are looking for, the location and amenities of your hotel or hostel, and the time of year. On average, budget-friendly options like guesthouses or hostels can range anywhere from $20 to $100 per night, while more upscale hotels and resorts may be significantly more expensive. Ultimately, the cost of accommodation in Reunion Island will depend on your travel style and budget, so it is important to do some research ahead of time and plan accordingly. By doing so, you can ensure that you are able to enjoy a comfortable and enjoyable stay during your trip without breaking the bank.

What is the cheapest time to travel Reunion Island?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as the cheapest time to visit Reunion Island will depend on a number of different factors. Some common considerations include the availability and cost of flights, the accommodation options available, the activities and events taking place in the country at that time, and other regional factors. Ultimately, there is no one “best” time to visit Reunion Island, as it will largely depend on your individual preferences and travel plans. However, by doing some research ahead of time and planning accordingly, you can ensure that you are able to enjoy a trip to Reunion Island at a price that works for you.

Culture FAQs For Reunion Island

How do the people behave in Reunion Island?

The people of Reunion Island are a diverse group, with a wide range of cultures, ethnicities, traditions, and beliefs. Some common characteristics among the people of Reunion Island include friendliness, openness, warmth, generosity, and a strong sense of community. Whether you are interacting with locals in public spaces or dining at one of the island’s many delicious restaurants, you are sure to experience the friendly and welcoming nature of Reunion Island’s people. Overall, the people of Reunion Island truly make this unique island destination one of a kind.

Which food dishes should I try in Reunion Island?

Some of the most popular dishes in Reunion Island include roti, moutou, gasgros de boeuf au chouchou, rougaille saucisse, and other local specialties. These delicious dishes are typically made with fresh ingredients grown or sourced locally, and can be found at restaurants across the island.
There are a number of different sports that are popular in Reunion Island, including surfing, hiking, cycling, scuba diving, sailing, and more. These activities attract both locals and tourists to the island, as they provide opportunities for adventure and exploration in beautiful natural environments. Additionally, many sports leagues and clubs can be found across Reunion Island, offering opportunities for both competitive and recreational play. Whether you are a visitor to Reunion Island or a long-time local, there is something for everyone when it comes to sports on this diverse island destination.
The most common religions in Reunion Island are Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. These religions have co-existed peacefully on the island for many years, and are practiced by a wide range of individuals from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Additionally, there are many places of worship across the island that cater to these different religious communities, including churches, mosques, temples, and more. Whether you are a practicing member of one of these religions or simply interested in learning more about the local religious landscape, Reunion Island is a fascinating place to explore this dynamic aspect of island culture.
Some of the most popular festivals celebrated in Reunion Island include the Jazz Festival, Fete de la Musique, Tamoul Fest, and Le Temps des Cerises. These festivals are typically held throughout the year, and offer visitors to the island a chance to experience local culture through music, dance, food, art, and more.

What souvenirs to bring back from Reunion Island?

Some of the most popular souvenirs to buy from Reunion Island include local handicrafts, artisanal products, spices and seasonings, traditional clothing and fabrics, and more. These items are typically made using locally-sourced materials or by skilled artisans on the island, and can be found at markets and shops across the region.