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Tourist Information About England

🏳 Country England (part of the United Kingdom)
🌆 Capital London
💸 Currency Pound Sterling (GBP)
💭 Language English
Timezone GMT (UTC+0), BST (UTC+1) in summer
🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQ+ Tolerance Very High
👫 Gender Ratio 👩 50.5% | 👨 49.5%
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Population 56 Million
✈️ Visitors per Year 36 Million (2019 pre-COVID)

Useful Information About England

💳 Card Payments Yes, widely accepted
🏧 ATM Availability Widely available
🍺 Drinking in Public Restricted in many areas
🚰 Tap Water Safe to drink
🌐 Internet Speed (avg.) 70 Mbps
🔌 Socket Type Type G
🚕 Best Taxi App Uber, Free Now
📱 Top Mobile SIM Cards EE, O2, Vodafone

Cost of Living in England

🏨 Hotel (median price) 120 GBP / Night
🌮 Meal, Inexpensive Restaurant 15 GBP
🥘 Meal for 2 People, Mid-range Restaurant 50 GBP
🍺 Domestic Beer (0.5 liter) 4 GBP
Coffee in Cafe 2.5 GBP
Gasoline (1 liter) 1.4 GBP
🚕 Taxi Price (avg trip: 2mi) 10 GBP / trip
🎫 One-way Ticket (Public Trans) 2.5 GBP

Quality of Life in England

💚 Quality of Life High
☺️ Safety Index High
👨‍⚕️ Healthcare Quality Very High (NHS)
☁️ Climate Diversity Mild and temperate
💰 Costs of Living High
😷 Level of Pollution Low to moderate

General Etiquette, Cultural Insights and Tips

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    Greetings: In England, a handshake is a common greeting in formal situations or when meeting someone for the first time. Among friends, a handshake might be replaced by a light hug or just a nod, especially among men.

  • Punctuality: Being on time is important in England, particularly in business settings. In social situations, a slight delay of 5-10 minutes can be acceptable, but punctuality reflects respect and consideration.

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    Bargaining: Bargaining is not customary in retail settings and is generally considered inappropriate. However, at car boot sales, flea markets, or in antique shops, polite haggling can be part of the experience.

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    Dress Code: The English often dress smartly, particularly in business and formal settings. Casual wear is more acceptable in relaxed social settings, but the British are known for a neat and orderly appearance in public.

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    Personal Space: Personal space is valued in England, and it's common to stand about an arm's length from others in public. Overcrowding in public transport and busy areas is often unavoidable, though.

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    Formality in Language: The English tend to be polite and may use more formal language in initial meetings. Using 'please,' 'thank you,' and 'sorry' frequently is common and expected.

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    Art Appreciation: England boasts a rich history in literature, theater, and the arts. Expressing interest or knowledge in these areas can be a good way to engage in meaningful conversation.

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    Historical Significance: Historical sites abound in England, from ancient ruins to medieval castles and museums. Showing respect and interest in these sites is appreciated by locals.

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    Environmental Consciousness: There is a strong awareness of environmental issues in England. Recycling, reducing waste, and conserving energy are practices that are taken seriously in many households and businesses.

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    Values and Misconceptions: While the English may appear reserved, they are generally warm and friendly once acquainted. Directness in communication is valued but should be tempered with politeness.

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    Debate and Discussion: The English enjoy a good debate, particularly about politics, sports, and the weather. However, debates should remain friendly and respectful.

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    Respecting Etiquette: Basic manners are crucial in English society. Always queue (line up) where required, and follow local etiquette for public interactions.

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    Religion: England is traditionally Christian, but it is now a multi-religious society. Respect for all religions is a part of modern English values.

Dining and Culinary Etiquette in England

  • Café Culture: Cafés are a staple in England, often used for informal meetings or a quick break. The English are serious about their tea; having tea, whether at a café or at home, is a significant part of daily life and can include a range of pastries and sandwiches.

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    Dining Etiquette: When dining, use utensils for most foods, including pizza and burgers when in a formal setting. The fork is held in the left hand and the knife in the right. It's polite to wait until everyone has been served before starting to eat.

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    Wine Etiquette: If wine is served at a meal, it is customary for the host to offer the first pour. Guests should wait for the host to propose a toast before drinking. If you bring wine to a dinner, it may not be opened as it is often considered a gift for the host.

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    Cheese Course Etiquette: Cheese may be served after the main course and before dessert. It's typically enjoyed with crackers and sometimes fruit.

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    Bread Etiquette: Bread is often served with butter and is usually eaten with a knife and fork, particularly in formal settings.

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    Tipping: In restaurants, it is customary to leave a tip of around 10-12.5%, often included as a service charge on the bill. It's polite to leave a little extra if the service was exceptional.

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    Table Manners: English table manners are generally formal. Elbows off the table, mouth closed when chewing, and placing the napkin on your lap are all standard practices.

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    Speaking with Servers: Be polite and respectful when ordering or speaking to servers. Say "please" when making requests and "thank you" when your requests are fulfilled.

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    Order of Courses: A typical English meal in a more formal setting might start with a starter (appetizer), followed by the main course, and then dessert. Tea or coffee often concludes the meal.

Public Behavior and Expectations in England

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    Gift Giving: When invited to someone's home, it is polite to bring a small gift, such as a bottle of wine, flowers, or chocolates. Gifts are often opened immediately upon receipt in the presence of the giver.

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    Smoking Etiquette: Smoking is banned in all enclosed public places including pubs, restaurants, and offices. Always use designated smoking areas and be mindful of non-smokers.

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    Conversation Style: The English tend to be reserved and value privacy. Conversations should start with light topics such as the weather. Avoid personal questions unless you know the person well. Humour, particularly irony and self-deprecation, is a common feature in communications.

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    Public Transport Etiquette: It is important to queue when waiting for buses and trains. Offer your seat to the elderly, pregnant women, or those with disabilities. Keep conversations quiet and to a minimum on public transport to avoid disturbing others.

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    Respect for Quiet Spaces: Loud conversations and disturbances in public spaces like libraries, cinemas, or when a performance is underway are considered disrespectful. Keep your mobile phones silent in such settings.

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    Metro: On the Tube and other metro systems, it is customary to stand on the right side of escalators so that others may pass on the left. Eating on public transport is generally frowned upon, especially on the Tube.

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    Conservative Dressing: Dress codes can vary by setting. Business attire is quite conservative, particularly in London's financial sectors. Casual attire is acceptable in more relaxed environments but always aim for a tidy appearance.

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    Swimming Pool: Always follow the rules at swimming pools, which include showering before entering the pool and wearing appropriate swimwear. Most pools require swim caps and have specific swim times for various groups or activities.

Health and Safety in England

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    Tap Water: Tap water in England is safe to drink. It's treated and regulated to high standards, ensuring it's clean and safe for consumption everywhere from homes to public venues.

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    Pharmacies: Pharmacies are widely available and can be found in most towns and cities. Pharmacists can provide advice and treatment for minor health issues and dispense prescription and non-prescription medications.

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    Medical Treatment: The National Health Service (NHS) provides healthcare services to residents, often free at the point of use. Visitors from certain countries can also receive emergency NHS treatment without charge. However, travel health insurance is recommended.

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    Emergencies: The emergency number in England is 999. This number can be dialed for immediate response services like ambulance, fire brigade, and police. Another important number is 111 for non-emergency health concerns, providing access to medical advice and information.

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    Smoking Laws: Smoking is prohibited in all enclosed public places, including workplaces, public transport, and areas serving food. This is part of comprehensive smoke-free laws to protect public health.

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    Condom Availability: Condoms are easily available at pharmacies, supermarkets, and convenience stores. They're also provided for free at NHS sexual health clinics and some youth clubs.

Things Not to Do in England

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    Don't Rush Your Meal: Dining is considered a time to relax and socialize, especially when eating out. Take your time, enjoy the food, and the company.

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    Avoid Loud Conversations: Keep your voice down in public spaces, especially in restaurants, trains, and buses. Loud talking can be considered disruptive and impolite.

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    Bread Etiquette: When bread is served at a meal, use your hands to break it into smaller pieces rather than biting directly into it. Use butter sparingly, applying it to individual pieces rather than the whole slice.

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    Don't Skip the Greeting: Always greet shop staff, service workers, and when entering a small business or a private space. A simple "hello" or "good morning" can make a big difference in how you're perceived.

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    Be Cautious with Language: Avoid using overly familiar or coarse language with strangers. Politeness and proper language are valued highly in English society.

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    Don't Ignore Local Customs: Be aware of and sensitive to local customs and traditions, especially in diverse urban areas or when visiting different parts of the country.

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    Avoid Overly Casual Attire in Formal Settings: Dress appropriately for the occasion. Wearing shorts or flip flops might be fine at the beach, but not in business or formal settings.

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    Be Discreet with Money Talk: Discussing personal wealth or financial details is generally considered private and somewhat taboo in conversation. Avoid asking people about their earnings or financial status.

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    Religion: England is religiously diverse. It’s important to show respect for all religious beliefs and practices, and avoid making assumptions based on someone’s appearance or background.

Interesting Facts About England

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    Historic Castles: England is home to some of the world's most famous castles, including Windsor Castle, the oldest and largest inhabited castle in the world.

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    Shakespeare's Birthplace: England is the birthplace of William Shakespeare, one of the greatest playwrights in history, with his birthplace in Stratford-upon-Avon being a popular tourist destination.

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    Oldest University in the English-Speaking World: The University of Oxford, founded in the 12th century, is the oldest university in the English-speaking world and one of the most prestigious.

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    The Industrial Revolution: England was the epicenter of the Industrial Revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries, leading to significant technological advancements and societal changes.

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    Pub Culture: England is famous for its pub culture, with traditional pubs being central to English social life, serving a variety of ales, ciders, and classic pub food.

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    Union Jack: The Union Jack, the national flag of the United Kingdom, originated from England's St. George's Cross, combined with the Scottish and Irish elements.

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    Magna Carta: The Magna Carta, signed in 1215, is a seminal document in the history of democracy and legal systems worldwide, establishing the principle that everyone is subject to the law.

  • Birthplace of Football: Modern football (soccer) originated in England, with the Football Association, founded in 1863, being the oldest football governing body in the world.

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    British Monarchy: The British Monarchy, one of the oldest in the world, has a rich history, with the reigning monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, being one of the longest-serving in history.

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    Art and Museums: England boasts world-renowned museums and galleries, such as the British Museum and the National Gallery, housing priceless collections of art and artifacts.

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    Sherlock Holmes: The fictional detective Sherlock Holmes, created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, is one of the most famous literary characters, with a lasting impact on detective fiction.

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    Afternoon Tea: Afternoon tea, a quintessentially English tradition, involves a light meal with tea, sandwiches, scones, and pastries, typically enjoyed in the late afternoon.

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    The Lake District: The Lake District, a national park in Cumbria, is renowned for its stunning landscapes, lakes, and mountains, inspiring poets like William Wordsworth.

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    Literary Heritage: England has a rich literary heritage, being home to celebrated authors such as Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, and J.K. Rowling.

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    Stonehenge: Stonehenge, a prehistoric monument in Wiltshire, is one of the most famous and mysterious landmarks in the world, attracting millions of visitors annually.

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    British Music Invasion: England has produced globally influential music acts, including The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, and Queen, leading to the British Invasion in the 1960s.

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    The London Underground: The London Underground, also known as the Tube, is the oldest underground railway network in the world, opened in 1863, and remains a vital part of the city's transport system.

  • Royal Navy: The Royal Navy, one of the oldest and most powerful naval forces in history, played a crucial role in establishing the British Empire's global dominance.

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    British Film Industry: The British film industry has made significant contributions to cinema, with iconic studios like Pinewood and legendary franchises like James Bond.

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    Royal Parks: London is home to several Royal Parks, such as Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens, providing vast green spaces and recreational areas for the public.

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