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Tourist Information About Germany

🏳 Country Germany
🌆 Capital Berlin
💸 Currency Euro (EUR)
💭 Language German
Timezone CET (UTC+1), CEST (UTC+2) in summer
🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQ+ Tolerance Very High
👫 Gender Ratio 👩 50.7% | 👨 49.3%
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Population 83 Million
✈️ Visitors per Year 39 Million (2019 pre-COVID)

Useful Information About Germany

💳 Card Payments Yes, widely accepted but cash also popular
🏧 ATM Availability Widely available
🍺 Drinking in Public Allowed
🚰 Tap Water Safe to drink
🌐 Internet Speed (avg.) 100 Mbps
🔌 Socket Type Type F
🚕 Best Taxi App Free Now
📱 Top Mobile SIM Cards Telekom, Vodafone, O2

Cost of Living in Germany

🏨 Hotel (median price) 100 EUR / Night
🌮 Meal, Inexpensive Restaurant 10 EUR
🥘 Meal for 2 People, Mid-range Restaurant 50 EUR
🍺 Domestic Beer (0.5 liter) 3.5 EUR
Coffee in Cafe 2.5 EUR
Gasoline (1 liter) 1.5 EUR
🚕 Taxi Price (avg trip: 2mi) 8 EUR / trip
🎫 One-way Ticket (Public Trans) 2.8 EUR

Quality of Life in Germany

💚 Quality of Life Very High
☺️ Safety Index High
👨‍⚕️ Healthcare Quality Excellent
☁️ Climate Diversity Temperate
💰 Costs of Living Moderate to high
😷 Level of Pollution Low to moderate

General Etiquette, Cultural Insights and Tips

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    Greetings: In Germany, a firm handshake is the most common form of greeting in both social and business contexts. It's customary to shake hands both when arriving and leaving. Friends may greet each other with a brief hug.

  • Punctuality: Punctuality is highly valued in Germany. Being on time for appointments, meetings, and social gatherings is considered a sign of respect and reliability.

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    Bargaining: Bargaining is not customary in retail stores where prices are fixed. However, it may be acceptable at flea markets or similar settings.

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    Dress Code: Germans tend to dress formally and conservatively, especially in business situations. In social settings, attire can be more casual, but neatness and cleanliness are always important.

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    Personal Space: Personal space is respected in Germany. A distance of about an arm's length is preferred during conversations.

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    Formality in Language: Germans typically use formal language when addressing someone, especially if they are not well acquainted. Titles are important, and the formal "Sie" is used until one is invited to use "du" for informal address.

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    Art Appreciation: Germany has a rich cultural heritage in music, art, and literature. Demonstrating knowledge or interest in these areas can be a good way to engage in deeper conversations.

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    Historical Significance: Germany has a complex history, especially concerning the 20th century. Sensitivity and respect towards historical topics, particularly regarding WWII and the Holocaust, are essential.

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    Environmental Consciousness: Germany is a leader in environmental initiatives. Recycling is rigorously practiced, and there are strict regulations about waste management and energy conservation.

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    Values and Misconceptions: Germans value directness and honesty in communication, which can sometimes be perceived by others as blunt or harsh. It's important to understand this directness is not meant to be rude but rather to maintain clarity and efficiency.

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    Debate and Discussion: Germans are not afraid to engage in debates, especially on political and philosophical topics. It's important to back up opinions with facts, as discussions can be quite detailed and factual.

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    Respecting Etiquette: Formality is observed in many aspects of German life. It's important to follow local customs and rules, especially in public settings.

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    Religion: Germany is predominantly Christian, but modern Germany is very secular and diverse in religious practices. Religious tolerance and the separation of church and state are well-established.

Dining and Culinary Etiquette in Germany

  • Café Culture: Coffee and cake (Kaffee und Kuchen) is a beloved tradition in Germany, particularly on weekend afternoons. Cafés are popular places for this casual socializing, where people enjoy both sweet and savory baked goods alongside coffee.

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    Dining Etiquette: When dining, use utensils for almost all foods, including pizza and burgers in more formal settings. The fork is held in the left hand and the knife in the right. It's customary to wait until everyone at the table has been served before starting to eat.

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    Wine Etiquette: Germany is renowned for its wines, especially whites like Riesling. If wine is brought to a dinner, it is typically expected to be opened during the meal. Toasts are common before drinking; maintain eye contact when clinking glasses.

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    Cheese Course Etiquette: Cheese may be served either before or after dessert, particularly in formal dining settings. It's often accompanied by bread and sometimes fruit.

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    Bread Etiquette: Bread is a staple at German meals and is usually served with butter. It is eaten as an accompaniment to main dishes, not as an appetizer.

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    Tipping: Tipping is customary in Germany, generally by rounding up the bill to the nearest euro in taxis and bars, and leaving about 5-10% in restaurants, depending on the service quality.

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    Table Manners: Good table manners are important. Do not begin eating until the host says 'Guten Appetit' (good appetite). Elbows should be kept off the table while eating, and hands should be visible above the table.

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    Speaking with Servers: When addressing servers, politeness and formality are expected. Use "bitte" (please) and "danke" (thank you) frequently to show courtesy.

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    Order of Courses: Meals typically begin with a starter, followed by the main course, and dessert. In formal settings, a soup or a salad may precede the main dish.

Public Behavior and Expectations in Germany

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    Gift Giving: When invited to someone's home, it is customary to bring a gift such as a bottle of wine, a bouquet of flowers, or chocolates. It's polite to bring gifts that do not impose a burden to the host, such as requiring immediate display or special care.

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    Smoking Etiquette: Smoking is banned in many public places including restaurants and bars. Always look for designated smoking areas and be considerate of non-smokers around you.

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    Conversation Style: Germans generally prefer straightforward and honest communication. Small talk is not as common as in some other cultures, and discussions tend to be direct and to the point.

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    Public Transport Etiquette: Public transport is widely used in Germany and is expected to be used with consideration. Be punctual, give up your seat to the elderly or disabled, and keep noise to a minimum. It's also common to greet and thank the bus driver.

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    Respect for Quiet Spaces: Loud noises in public spaces, especially on Sundays or holidays, are frowned upon. This includes mowing lawns or loud music. Sundays are generally viewed as days of rest and quiet.

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    Metro: When using the metro or similar transportation, observe silence, keep your belongings compact, and avoid blocking seats with bags. Eating strong-smelling foods or large meals is generally avoided on public transport.

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    Conservative Dressing: Appropriate dressing is valued, especially in business contexts. Casual wear is acceptable in many public settings, but cleanliness and neatness always matter.

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    Swimming Pool: In public swimming pools, follow the rules such as showering before entering the pool, wearing proper swim attire, and respecting the lanes when swimming for exercise.

Public Behavior and Expectations in Germany

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    Gift Giving: When invited to someone's home, it is customary to bring a gift such as a bottle of wine, a bouquet of flowers, or chocolates. It's polite to bring gifts that do not impose a burden to the host, such as requiring immediate display or special care.

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    Smoking Etiquette: Smoking is banned in many public places including restaurants and bars. Always look for designated smoking areas and be considerate of non-smokers around you.

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    Conversation Style: Germans generally prefer straightforward and honest communication. Small talk is not as common as in some other cultures, and discussions tend to be direct and to the point.

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    Public Transport Etiquette: Public transport is widely used in Germany and is expected to be used with consideration. Be punctual, give up your seat to the elderly or disabled, and keep noise to a minimum. It's also common to greet and thank the bus driver.

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    Respect for Quiet Spaces: Loud noises in public spaces, especially on Sundays or holidays, are frowned upon. This includes mowing lawns or loud music. Sundays are generally viewed as days of rest and quiet.

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    Metro: When using the metro or similar transportation, observe silence, keep your belongings compact, and avoid blocking seats with bags. Eating strong-smelling foods or large meals is generally avoided on public transport.

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    Conservative Dressing: Appropriate dressing is valued, especially in business contexts. Casual wear is acceptable in many public settings, but cleanliness and neatness always matter.

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    Swimming Pool: In public swimming pools, follow the rules such as showering before entering the pool, wearing proper swim attire, and respecting the lanes when swimming for exercise.

Health and Safety in Germany

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    Tap Water: Tap water in Germany is of very high quality and is safe to drink. It often meets or exceeds the standards for bottled water and is rigorously tested.

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    Pharmacies: Pharmacies in Germany are well-stocked and staffed by knowledgeable pharmacists who can provide health advice and dispense medications. Look for the green "Apotheke" sign, which signals a pharmacy.

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    Medical Treatment: Germany offers excellent healthcare facilities. The healthcare system includes both public and private hospitals. Residents are covered by health insurance, which is mandatory, and visitors are strongly advised to have health insurance to cover any medical costs.

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    Emergencies: The emergency number in Germany is 112, which can be dialed free of charge for medical emergencies, fire, and police assistance. It is accessible from any phone.

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    Smoking Laws: Smoking is prohibited in all enclosed public spaces, including restaurants, bars, and public transport. Many public places also have designated smoking areas outside.

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    Condom Availability: Condoms are widely available in supermarkets, drugstores, and vending machines in public places such as train stations and restrooms.

Useful German Words and Phrases

Learning a few keywords or phrases before traveling to Germany will help you connect with local people and serve as a starting point for acquiring the language much easier.

  • 🗣️ General German Travel Words:

    • Hello: Hallo

    • Please: Bitte

    • Thank You: Danke

    • Welcome: Willkommen

    • Excuse Me: Entschuldigung

    • Goodbye: Auf Wiedersehen

    • Sorry: Es tut mir leid

    • Yes: Ja

    • No: Nein

    • Home: Haus

    • Do you speak [English]?: Sprechen Sie [Englisch]?

    • I don’t understand: Ich verstehe nicht

    • I need help: Ich brauche Hilfe

    • Time: Zeit

    • Day: Tag

    • Night: Nacht

  • 🚶‍♂️ German Phrases for Getting Around:

    • Train Station: Bahnhof

    • Airport: Flughafen

    • Bus: Bus

    • Taxi: Taxi

    • Bathroom: Toilette

    • Where is…?: Wo ist…?

    • Does this go to…?: Geht das nach…?

    • Which way to…?: Welcher Weg führt nach…?

  • 🥘 Food and Dining German Travel Phrases:

    • Water: Wasser

    • Food: Essen

    • I would like… : Ich möchte…

    • What do you recommend?: Was empfehlen Sie?

    • The bill, please: Die Rechnung, bitte

Interesting Facts About Germany

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    Neuschwanstein Castle: Neuschwanstein Castle, built by King Ludwig II of Bavaria, is one of the most famous castles in the world and inspired Disneyland's Sleeping Beauty Castle.

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    Automobile Industry: Germany is renowned for its automobile industry, being home to major car manufacturers like Volkswagen, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and Audi.

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    Bauhaus Movement: The Bauhaus art school, founded in Weimar in 1919, revolutionized modern design and architecture with its innovative approaches to form and function.

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    Classical Music Giants: Germany has produced many of the world's greatest classical composers, including Ludwig van Beethoven, Johann Sebastian Bach, and Richard Wagner.

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    Oktoberfest: Oktoberfest, held annually in Munich, is the world's largest beer festival, attracting millions of visitors to enjoy Bavarian beer, food, and culture.

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    Printing Press Invention: Johannes Gutenberg, a German inventor, revolutionized the world with the invention of the printing press around 1440, making books more accessible.

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    Brandenburg Gate: The Brandenburg Gate in Berlin is an iconic symbol of Germany's history and reunification, originally built in the 18th century.

  • Football Excellence: Germany is a powerhouse in football (soccer), with its national team winning four FIFA World Cups and numerous UEFA European Championships.

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    Black Forest: The Black Forest, located in southwestern Germany, is known for its dense woods, picturesque villages, and the origin of the cuckoo clock.

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    Martin Luther and the Reformation: Martin Luther, a German theologian, initiated the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century by posting his Ninety-five Theses.

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    Chocolate Innovation: Germany is one of the leading chocolate producers in the world, known for its high-quality confectioneries and famous brands like Milka and Ritter Sport.

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    Deutsche Bahn: Germany's extensive and efficient railway network, operated by Deutsche Bahn, includes high-speed trains like the ICE, connecting major cities swiftly.

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    Film Industry: The German film industry has a rich history, with iconic films like "Metropolis" by Fritz Lang and the influential Expressionist movement.

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    Scientific Contributions: Germany has been home to numerous Nobel laureates and groundbreaking scientists, including Albert Einstein, who developed the theory of relativity.

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    Culinary Delights: German cuisine offers a variety of delicious dishes, such as sausages (Wurst), pretzels (Brezeln), and sauerkraut, with regional specialties like Bavarian Weißwurst.

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    Christmas Traditions: Germany has deeply influenced Christmas traditions, introducing the Christmas tree (Tannenbaum) and popularizing Christmas markets (Weihnachtsmärkte).

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    The Rhine River: The Rhine River, one of Europe's major waterways, flows through Germany, offering scenic landscapes, historic castles, and bustling port cities.

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    Architecture: Germany is known for its diverse architecture, from medieval structures like Cologne Cathedral to modern wonders like the Berlin TV Tower.

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    Theater and Opera: Germany has a vibrant performing arts scene, with prestigious theaters and opera houses, such as the Semperoper in Dresden and the Berlin State Opera.

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    Education and Universities: Germany boasts some of the world's oldest and most prestigious universities, like Heidelberg University, founded in 1386, and the University of Munich.

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