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Tourist Information About Italy

🏳 Country Italy
🌆 Capital Rome
💸 Currency Euro (EUR)
💭 Language Italian
Timezone CET (GMT+1)
🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQ+ Tolerance High
👫 Gender Ratio 👩 51% | 👨 49%
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Population 60 Million
✈️ Visitors per Year 58.3 Million

Useful Information About Italy

💳 Card Payments Yes, widely accepted
🏧 ATM Availability Extensive
🏦 Suggested ATM Takeout 100 EUR
🍺 Drinking in Public Allowed with restrictions
🚰 Tap Water Drinkable
🌐 Internet Speed (avg.) 90 Mbps
🔌 Socket Type Type L (standard EU)
🚕 Best Taxi App It Taxi
🚾 Public Toilets Available, small fee common
📱 Top Mobile SIM Cards Tim, Vodafone
✈️ Best Internal Air Carrier Alitalia

Cost of Living in Italy

🏨 Hotel (median price) 100 USD / Night
🌮 Meal, Inexpensive Restaurant 15 EUR
🥘 Meal for 2 People, Mid-range Restaurant 55 EUR
🍺 Domestic Beer (0.5 liter) 5 EUR
Coffee in Cafe 1.5 EUR
Gasoline (1 liter) 1.6 EUR
🚕 Taxi Price (avg trip: 2mi) 10 EUR / trip
🎫 One-way Ticket (Public Trans) 1.5 EUR

Quality of Life in Italy

💚 Quality of Life High
☺️ Safety Index High
👨‍⚕️ Healthcare Likability High
☁️ Climate Likability High
💰 Costs of Living Moderate to high
😷 Level of Pollution Moderate

General Etiquette, Cultural Insights and Tips

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    Greetings: In Italy, greetings are warm and often involve a handshake and, among friends, two cheek kisses starting from the left. It's common to exchange greetings when entering or leaving a small business.

  • Punctuality: Punctuality varies; in northern Italy, being on time is expected, while in the southern regions, a more relaxed approach is common, particularly in social settings.

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    Bargaining: Bargaining is generally not practiced in stores but can be acceptable at markets or in informal sales environments like street vendors.

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    Dress Code: Italians are known for their good taste in fashion. Dressing well is considered a form of courtesy. Smart casual is widely accepted, but more formal attire may be expected for dining out or attending events.

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    Personal Space: Italians are comfortable with close personal space in conversations, often touching arms or shoulders as they speak.

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    Formality in Language: Use "Lei" (formal you) when addressing someone you do not know well or in professional settings. Switch to "tu" (informal you) only when the other person invites you to.

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    Art Appreciation: Italy's rich history in arts makes it a hub for art lovers. Knowledge and appreciation of Italian art can be a great way to connect with locals.

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    Historical Significance: Italy is steeped in history, from ancient Roman times to the Renaissance. Showing interest in these topics is often appreciated.

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    Environmental Consciousness: Italy is increasing its focus on sustainability. Recycling is taken seriously, and there are often multiple bins for different types of waste.

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    Values and Misconceptions: Italians value family and relationships highly. They may appear very expressive and passionate in discussions, which is a part of their communicative style, not aggression.

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    Debate and Discussion: Italians enjoy engaging in lively debates, especially over meals. It's a part of their culture to discuss a range of topics passionately.

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    Respecting Etiquette: Always acknowledge your arrival and departure in social and business settings with a proper greeting and farewell. "Buongiorno" (good day) and "Buonasera" (good evening) are essential.

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    Religion: Italy is predominantly Catholic, and showing respect in religious contexts, such as dressing appropriately when visiting churches, is important.

Dining and Culinary Etiquette in Italy

  • Café Culture: Italian cafés are central to daily life, often bustling from early morning until late at night. It’s common to stand at the bar for a quick espresso. Lingering over a cappuccino is typical only in the mornings or after meals.

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    Dining Etiquette: Meals are a central part of Italian life, featuring multiple courses eaten leisurely. Always wait until the host starts eating. Bread is typically used to mop up sauce, not eaten as an appetizer.

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    Wine Etiquette: Wine is integral to dining, and it's usual for the host to select and pour the wine. Toasts are common, and you should look your toastee in the eye while clinking glasses.

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    Cheese Course Etiquette: Cheese may be served both before and after the meal. Follow the host's lead on when and how to eat cheese, especially with regards to pairing with fruits or honey.

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    Bread Etiquette: Bread is typically placed directly on the table, not on a separate bread plate. Use it to accompany your meal or for the 'scarpetta'—the act of mopping up the remaining sauce on your plate with bread.

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    Tipping: Service charge is often included in the bill (‘coperto’), but it is customary to leave a small extra amount to show appreciation for good service.

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    Table Manners: Italian table manners are formal. The fork is used in the left hand and the knife in the right. It's impolite to rest your elbows on the table or to use your fingers to eat, except for bread and pizza.

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    Speaking with Servers: Always be polite with servers. Use “per favore” (please) when requesting something, and “grazie” (thank you) when served. Address them as “Signore” or “Signora” in more formal settings.

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    Order of Courses: A traditional Italian meal starts with antipasti (appetizers), followed by the primo (first course, usually pasta or risotto), the secondo (main course, meat or fish), contorno (side dish), and dolce (dessert).

Public Behavior and Expectations in Italy

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    Gift Giving: When invited to someone's home, it is polite to bring a gift such as wine, high-quality chocolates, or flowers. Avoid giving chrysanthemums as they are associated with funerals, and an even number of flowers as they are considered bad luck.

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    Smoking Etiquette: Smoking is restricted in all indoor public places. It's courteous to ask permission before smoking near others, especially in private settings or at outdoor dining venues.

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    Conversation Style: Italians are expressive and use a lot of hand gestures when talking. Conversations can be loud and animated, especially in group settings. Topics like family, food, and football are always popular.

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    Public Transport Etiquette: On public transport, it is polite to offer your seat to elderly, pregnant, or disabled passengers. Greetings like "buongiorno" or "buonasera" to the driver or fellow passengers are common courtesies.

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    Respect for Quiet Spaces: Quietness is expected in places such as churches, museums, and libraries. Mobile phones should be silenced in these areas to maintain the peaceful atmosphere.

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    Metro: Allow others to exit the train before boarding, keep clear of the doors, and move to the center of the car during busy times. Stand on the right side of escalators to allow others to pass on the left.

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    Conservative Dressing: Dress codes vary by region and setting, but it is wise to dress conservatively, especially when visiting religious sites. Cover shoulders and knees as a sign of respect in such places.

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    Swimming Pool: At public swimming pools, it is often required to wear a swimming cap. Make sure to shower before entering the pool, as hygiene is taken very seriously.

Health and Safety in Italy

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    Tap Water: Tap water in Italy is generally safe to drink. In restaurants, it's customary to order bottled water, still (naturale) or sparkling (frizzante), but tap water is fine for drinking at home or refilling bottles.

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    Pharmacies: Pharmacies (farmacie) are marked by a green cross and are well-equipped. Pharmacists are qualified to give medical advice for minor ailments and can recommend treatments or over-the-counter medications.

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    Medical Treatment: Healthcare in Italy is of high quality and accessible to everyone, including tourists. EU residents can use their European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), while non-EU tourists should have health insurance coverage.

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    Emergencies: Dial 112 for any emergency, a number that connects to all emergency services. It's a free call from any phone. Other important numbers include 118 for medical emergencies and 113 for police.

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    Smoking Laws: Smoking in public indoor spaces is banned in Italy, including bars, restaurants, and offices. Smoking areas are designated in some places, and fines for violating smoking laws can be substantial.

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    Condom Availability: Condoms are available at pharmacies, supermarkets, and vending machines in public restrooms. Accessibility and discretion in purchasing are generally high.

Things Not to Do in Italy

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    Don't Rush Your Meal: Dining in Italy is a leisurely affair, especially during dinner. Take your time to enjoy each course and the conversation. Rushing through meals is considered impolite and diminishes the dining experience.

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    Avoid Loud Conversations: While Italians are known for their spirited conversations, maintaining a moderate volume in restaurants and other public places is appreciated to respect others’ experiences.

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    Bread Etiquette: Don't use bread to clean your plate until the meal is nearly finished, unless participating in the 'scarpetta', which is often done in a family setting or in informal restaurants.

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    Don't Skip the Greeting: Always greet people upon entering a small space like a shop or waiting room with a polite "buongiorno" or "buonasera," depending on the time of day. Similarly, say "arrivederci" when leaving.

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    Be Cautious with Language: Be mindful of using gestures, as some may have meanings that differ from your home country. Try to speak at least basic Italian phrases; it’s appreciated and often seen as a sign of respect.

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    Don't Ignore Local Customs: Italy has a rich tapestry of regional customs and traditions. Show respect and curiosity towards local customs, especially in smaller towns and rural areas.

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    Avoid Overly Casual Attire in Formal Settings: When visiting churches or formal events, dress appropriately. Shorts, tank tops, and flip-flops are generally not suitable for these occasions.

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    Be Discreet with Money Talk: Discussing money or personal wealth is considered vulgar in many social settings. Avoid bringing up costs or financial matters in casual conversations.

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    Religion: Be respectful when discussing religion or entering places of worship. Italy is predominantly Catholic, and religious practices and symbols are deeply respected.

Useful Italian Words and Phrases

Learning a few keywords or phrases before traveling to Italy will help you connect with local people and serve as a starting point for acquiring the language much easier.

  • 🗣️ General Italian Travel Words:

    • Hello: Ciao

    • Please: Per favore

    • Thank You: Grazie

    • Welcome: Benvenuto

    • Excuse Me: Scusi

    • Goodbye: Arrivederci

    • Sorry: Mi dispiace

    • Yes:

    • No: No

    • Home: Casa

    • Do you speak [English]?: Parli [inglese]?

    • I don’t understand: Non capisco

    • I need help: Ho bisogno di aiuto

    • Time: Tempo

    • Day: Giorno

    • Night: Notte

  • 🚶‍♂️ Italian Phrases for Getting Around:

    • Train Station: Stazione

    • Airport: Aeroporto

    • Bus: Autobus

    • Taxi: Taxi

    • Bathroom: Bagno

    • Where is…?: Dov'è…?

    • Does this go to…?: Questo va a…?

    • Which way to…?: Qual è la strada per…?

  • 🥘 Food and Dining Italian Travel Phrases:

    • Water: Acqua

    • Food: Cibo

    • I would like… : Vorrei…

    • What do you recommend?: Cosa consiglia?

    • The bill, please: Il conto, per favore

Interesting Facts About Italy

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    Birthplace of the Renaissance: Italy is renowned as the cradle of the Renaissance, a period of great cultural change and achievement that began in the 14th century, with figures like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo leading the movement.

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    Home of Pizza: The modern pizza was invented in Naples, Italy. The classic Margherita pizza was created in 1889 by chef Raffaele Esposito in honor of Queen Margherita.

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    Commedia dell'Arte: Italy gave birth to this influential theatrical form in the 16th century, characterized by masked "types" and improvised performances based on sketches or scenarios.

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    Castles and Fortresses: Italy is dotted with numerous castles and fortresses, reflecting its rich medieval history and the variety of influences from different regions over the centuries.

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    Oldest University in Europe: The University of Bologna, founded in 1088, is considered the oldest university in continuous operation in the world.

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    Wine Heritage: Italy is one of the largest wine producers in the world and is home to some of the oldest wine-producing regions. Its tradition spans over 4,000 years.

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    Artistic Masters: Italy has been the home of numerous master artists, including Caravaggio, Raphael, and Titian, who have left a permanent mark on global art.

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    Fashion Capital: Milan is considered one of the fashion capitals of the world, hosting major fashion weeks and being home to high-end fashion houses like Prada, Armani, and Versace.

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    Astronomical Pioneers: The astronomer Galileo Galilei, an Italian, made pioneering improvements to the telescope and astronomical observations in the early 17th century.

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    Culinary Richness: Known for its diverse and flavorful cuisine, Italy boasts a variety of dishes that are integral to its culture, such as pasta, risotto, and gelato.

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    Vatican City: The smallest independent state in the world, located within Rome, it is the spiritual and administrative center of the Roman Catholic Church and home to the Pope.

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    Smallest Country in the World: Vatican City, located within Rome, is recognized as the smallest country in the world by both area and population.

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    Oldest Rail Tunnel in the Alps: The Frejus Rail Tunnel, completed in 1871, was one of the first major rail tunnels through the Alps, connecting Italy with France.

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    Language Diversity: While Italian is the official language, regions like Sicily, Sardinia, and the Aosta Valley feature languages and dialects distinct from standard Italian.

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    Opera's Birthplace: Italy is the birthplace of opera, with its origins traced back to the 16th century, providing a significant cultural export that has influenced music globally.

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    Invention of Gelato: The modern form of gelato is credited to Italian chef Procopio Cutò, who introduced a new recipe at Café Procope in Paris in the 17th century.

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    Ancient Roman Baths: The tradition of public baths was perfected during the Roman Empire, with remnants of these baths still visible in places like Rome and Pompeii.

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    Venice Carnival: The Venice Carnival is famous for its elaborate masks and costumes, drawing tourists from around the world to participate in its rich cultural festivities.

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    Cinque Terre: A picturesque stretch of the Italian Riviera, known for its five beautifully preserved fishing villages, terraced hillsides, and stunning coastal views.

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