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Tourist Information About Russia

🏳 Country Russia
🌆 Capital Moscow
💸 Currency Russian Ruble (RUB)
💭 Language Russian
Timezone Moscow Time: MSK (UTC+3)
🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQ+ Tolerance Low
👫 Gender Ratio 👩 54% | 👨 46%
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Population 144 Million
✈️ Visitors per Year 24.6 Million

Useful Information About Russia

💳 Card Payments Widely accepted in cities, cash preferred in remote areas
🏧 ATM Availability Widely available
🍺 Drinking in Public Restricted
🚰 Tap Water Not recommended to drink
🌐 Internet Speed (avg.) 16 Mbps
🔌 Socket Type Type C and F
🚕 Best Taxi App Yandex.Taxi
📱 Top Mobile SIM Cards MTS, Megafon, Beeline, Tele2

Cost of Living in Russia

🏨 Hotel (median price) 50 USD / Night
🌮 Meal, Inexpensive Restaurant 7 USD
🥘 Meal for 2 People, Mid-range Restaurant 30 USD
🍺 Domestic Beer (0.5 liter) 1 USD
Coffee in Cafe 2 USD
Gasoline (1 liter) 0.65 USD
🚕 Taxi Price (avg trip: 2mi) 4 USD / trip
🎫 One-way Ticket (Public Trans) 0.8 USD

Quality of Life in Russia

💚 Quality of Life Moderate, varies greatly between urban and rural areas
☺️ Safety Index Moderate
👨‍⚕️ Healthcare Quality Varied, higher in major cities
☁️ Climate Diversity Extremely varied, from subarctic to continental
💰 Costs of Living Low to moderate
😷 Level of Pollution High in industrialized areas

General Etiquette, Cultural Insights and Tips

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    Greetings: In Russia, a firm handshake with direct eye contact is common when greeting someone. It is customary for men to shake hands with men and women alike. However, handshakes are less common between women. When entering a home, removing your shoes is expected.

  • Punctuality: Being on time is important in Russia, particularly in business settings. Arriving late can be seen as a sign of disrespect.

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    Bargaining: Bargaining is not customary in most retail environments but can be appropriate in markets or informal settings.

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    Dress Code: Russians often dress formally, especially in business or social settings. Even in more casual situations, a well-groomed appearance is valued.

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    Personal Space: Personal space is generally respected in Russia, similar to other Western cultures. Keeping a reasonable distance during conversations is normal.

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    Formality in Language: Using formal titles and surnames upon meeting is common in Russia. The transition to first-name basis typically happens only after a mutual agreement.

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    Art Appreciation: Russia has a rich history in the arts, particularly in literature, ballet, classical music, and painting. An appreciation for these arts is widely respected and can be a good talking point.

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    Historical Significance: Russia prides itself on its historical and cultural heritage. Respect for historical sites and monuments, along with an understanding of Russia's complex history, is appreciated.

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    Environmental Consciousness: While environmental awareness is growing, challenges remain. Efforts to participate in or support sustainability are usually welcomed.

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    Values and Misconceptions: Russians may appear reserved or even stern, especially in public, but this often conceals a warm and generous nature once acquaintances turn into friendships.

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    Debate and Discussion: Intellectual discussions, especially about politics, philosophy, and history, are common among Russians who typically enjoy deep conversations with knowledgeable counterparts.

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    Respecting Etiquette: Formal etiquette is observed in many aspects of Russian life. It's important to adhere to this, especially in traditional or formal settings.

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    Religion: The predominant religion in Russia is Russian Orthodox Christianity, with a significant presence of other religious groups. Respect towards all religious practices is important, particularly when visiting religious sites.

Dining and Culinary Etiquette in Russia

  • Café Culture: Cafés are popular in Russia, especially in major cities. They often serve as a place to enjoy a leisurely conversation over coffee or tea. Russian tea culture is also prominent, with a tradition of brewing and serving tea from large teapots accompanied by sweets.

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    Dining Etiquette: When dining, wait for the host to invite you to start your meal. It's common to offer toasts during a meal, and refusing a drink can sometimes be seen as impolite unless you have health reasons or are driving. Always use bread to soak up gravy or sauce, but do not leave any food on your plate as it can be seen as wasteful.

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    Drink Etiquette: Vodka is a traditional drink and is often consumed straight in shots during meals, accompanied by pickles or other snacks. It's customary to toast before each shot, with the first toast usually given by the host.

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    Cheese Course Etiquette: Cheese is not typically a course on its own in Russian meals but may be part of appetizers or included in dishes served.

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    Bread Etiquette: Bread is often placed directly on the tablecloth or on a small bread plate. It is customary to use bread to pick up small pieces of food or to dip into soups and sauces.

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    Tipping: Tipping is customary in Russia, usually around 10-15% of the bill in restaurants. It is not common to tip in bars or taxis, but leaving a small amount for good service is appreciated.

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    Table Manners: Good table manners are important in Russia. Keep your hands visible on the table and your elbows off. Finish everything on your plate as leaving food is often considered impolite.

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    Speaking with Servers: When interacting with servers, be direct but polite. It is not customary to engage in small talk with servers, as interactions are generally more formal.

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    Order of Courses: A traditional Russian meal might start with cold appetizers, followed by soups, a hot entrée, and then dessert. Each course is usually served separately.

Public Behavior and Expectations in Russia

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    Gift Giving: When visiting someone's home, it is customary to bring a small gift, such as flowers (always in odd numbers, as even numbers are for mourning), a bottle of wine, or a box of chocolates. Gifts are usually opened immediately upon receiving.

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    Smoking Etiquette: Smoking is restricted in many public areas including restaurants, airports, and on public transport. Always use designated smoking areas when available.

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    Conversation Style: Russians may appear direct and to the point in their communication style. This directness is not meant to be rude but is rather a way of fostering a clear and straightforward conversation.

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    Public Transport Etiquette: On public transport, it is expected to give up your seat to the elderly, pregnant women, or those with young children. It is also common practice to remain quiet and avoid loud conversations.

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    Respect for Quiet Spaces: Russians value quiet in public spaces like museums, galleries, and theaters. It is considered polite to speak softly and turn off mobile phones in such settings.

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    Metro: The Moscow Metro, among others, is known for its efficiency and strict adherence to rules. It is important to stand on the right side of escalators, allowing others to pass on the left, and to move swiftly on and off trains to keep traffic flowing.

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    Conservative Dressing: Dressing appropriately is important in Russia, especially in business and formal settings. Casual attire is acceptable in many places, but neatness and modesty are generally preferred in public.

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    Swimming Pool: When visiting public swimming pools, always follow the local rules, such as wearing a swimming cap and rinsing off before entering the pool. Swimwear should be appropriate and modest.

Health and Safety in Russia

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    Tap Water: In most cities and towns in Russia, it is advisable to drink bottled water rather than tap water, due to varying levels of purification and the risk of water-borne contaminants.

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    Pharmacies: Pharmacies are widely available and can be identified by a green cross sign. Pharmacists often have a good level of training, but it's useful to know the generic names of any medications you need as brand availability may vary.

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    Medical Treatment: Russia has a range of medical facilities, but the quality can vary significantly between major cities and more rural areas. Visitors are advised to have comprehensive health insurance that covers medical evacuation.

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    Emergencies: The emergency number in Russia is 112 for all services including police, fire, and ambulance, which can be dialed from any phone.

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    Smoking Laws: Smoking in public places, including restaurants, bars, and other public buildings, is prohibited. There are designated smoking areas, and it's important to adhere to these rules to avoid fines.

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    Condom Availability: Condoms are readily available in pharmacies, supermarkets, and vending machines. Public health campaigns encourage safe sex practices to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections.

Things Not to Do in Russia

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    Don't Rush Your Meal: Dining is an event to be enjoyed in Russia. Meals, especially dinners, are often long, with multiple courses and plenty of conversation. Rushing through a meal can be seen as rude and disrespectful to the host or chef.

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    Avoid Loud Conversations: Keep your voice down, especially in public places like restaurants or on public transport. Being loud can attract unwanted attention and is generally considered impolite.

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    Bread Etiquette: Bread is a staple at many Russian meals and should be treated with respect. Do not waste bread or use it casually as a utensil. Always place it respectfully on your plate or a breadbasket.

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    Don't Skip the Greeting: When entering a room or joining a group, it is polite to greet each person individually. Failing to do so can be seen as a sign of disrespect.

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    Be Cautious with Language: Avoid discussing sensitive topics such as politics, religion, and history unless you are sure it is welcome. These subjects can be very personal and are often seen as inappropriate for casual conversation.

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    Don't Ignore Local Customs: Be mindful of Russian customs and traditions. For example, flowers should be given in odd numbers for celebrations and even numbers are reserved for remembrance or funerals.

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    Avoid Overly Casual Attire in Formal Settings: Dress appropriately for the occasion. Russians tend to dress formally for events, dinners, and even casual meetings. Wearing overly casual clothes in such settings can be frowned upon.

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    Be Discreet with Money Talk: Open discussions about personal wealth or showing off wealth can be seen as vulgar or insensitive. Keep financial discussions private and subtle.

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    Religion: Show respect towards all religious practices and be mindful when discussing religious topics, as Russia is a multi-faith society with deep religious traditions.

Useful Russian Words and Phrases

Learning a few keywords or phrases before traveling to Russia will help you connect with local people and serve as a starting point for acquiring the language much easier.

  • 🗣️ General Russian Travel Words:

    • Hello: Здравствуйте (Zdravstvuyte)

    • Please: Пожалуйста (Pozhaluysta)

    • Thank You: Спасибо (Spasibo)

    • Welcome: Добро пожаловать (Dobro pozhalovat')

    • Excuse Me: Извините (Izvinite)

    • Goodbye: До свидания (Do svidaniya)

    • Sorry: Простите (Prostite)

    • Yes: Да (Da)

    • No: Нет (Net)

    • Home: Дом (Dom)

    • Do you speak [English]?: Вы говорите по-[английски]? (Vy govorite po-[angliyski]?)

    • I don’t understand: Я не понимаю (Ya ne ponimayu)

    • I need help: Мне нужна помощь (Mne nuzhna pomoshch')

    • Time: Время (Vremya)

    • Day: День (Den')

    • Night: Ночь (Noch')

  • 🚶‍♂️ Russian Phrases for Getting Around:

    • Train Station: Вокзал (Vokzal)

    • Airport: Аэропорт (Aeroport)

    • Bus: Автобус (Avtobus)

    • Taxi: Такси (Taxi)

    • Bathroom: Туалет (Tualet)

    • Where is…?: Где находится…? (Gde nakhoditsya…?)

    • Does this go to…?: Это идет к…? (Eto idet k…?)

    • Which way to…?: Как пройти к…? (Kak proyti k…?)

  • 🥘 Food and Dining Russian Travel Phrases:

    • Water: Вода (Voda)

    • Food: Еда (Yeda)

    • I would like… : Я бы хотел(а)… (Ya by khotel(a) …)

    • What do you recommend?: Что вы порекомендуете? (Chto vy porekomenduete?)

    • The bill, please: Счет, пожалуйста (Schet, pozhaluysta)

Interesting Facts About Russia

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    The Kremlin: The Moscow Kremlin, a historic fortified complex at the heart of Moscow, serves as the official residence of the President of Russia and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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    Hermitage Museum: Located in St. Petersburg, the Hermitage Museum is one of the largest and oldest museums in the world, housing an extensive collection of art and cultural artifacts.

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    Siberian Wilderness: Siberia, covering a vast portion of Russia, is known for its harsh climate, dense forests, and unique wildlife, including the Siberian tiger and the Baikal seal.

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    Space Pioneers: Russia, then the Soviet Union, launched the first artificial satellite, Sputnik, in 1957, and sent the first human, Yuri Gagarin, into space in 1961.

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    Red Square: Moscow's Red Square, bordered by the Kremlin and St. Basil's Cathedral, is a historic and cultural landmark known for its striking architecture and historical significance.

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    Ballet Excellence: Russia is renowned for its ballet, with legendary companies like the Bolshoi Ballet and the Mariinsky Ballet producing world-class performances and dancers.

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    Lake Baikal: Lake Baikal in Siberia is the world's deepest and oldest freshwater lake, containing about 20% of the world's unfrozen freshwater and home to thousands of unique species.

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    Scientific Contributions: Russia has a rich history of scientific achievements, with notable figures like Dmitri Mendeleev, who created the Periodic Table, and Igor Sikorsky, a pioneer in aviation.

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    Cultural Festivals: Russia celebrates a variety of cultural festivals, including Maslenitsa, a traditional Russian festival marking the end of winter, and the White Nights Festival in St. Petersburg.

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    Literary Giants: Russia has produced some of the greatest literary works and authors, including Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, and Anton Chekhov, whose novels and plays are celebrated worldwide.

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    Classical Music: Russia is home to renowned composers such as Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Sergei Rachmaninoff, and Igor Stravinsky, who have made significant contributions to classical music.

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    Trans-Siberian Railway: The Trans-Siberian Railway, spanning over 9,000 kilometers from Moscow to Vladivostok, is the longest railway line in the world, offering an epic journey across Russia.

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    Rich Cuisine: Russian cuisine features hearty and diverse dishes, including borscht, pelmeni, blini, and caviar, reflecting the country's vast geography and cultural influences.

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    Orthodox Christianity: The Russian Orthodox Church plays a central role in Russian culture, with iconic churches like the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood and St. Isaac's Cathedral.

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    Mount Elbrus: Mount Elbrus, part of the Caucasus Mountains, is the highest peak in Europe, attracting mountaineers and adventurers from around the world.

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    Revolutionary History: The Russian Revolution of 1917 led to the rise of the Soviet Union, significantly impacting global politics and shaping the 20th century.

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    Iconic Art: Russian art, including the works of artists like Wassily Kandinsky and Kazimir Malevich, has had a profound influence on modern art movements such as abstract and avant-garde.

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    Wildlife Diversity: Russia's vast landscapes are home to diverse wildlife, including brown bears, wolves, and the critically endangered Amur leopard.

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    Volga River: The Volga River, the longest river in Europe, plays a vital role in Russian history, culture, and economy, flowing through central Russia to the Caspian Sea.

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    Historical Architecture: Russia boasts a variety of architectural styles, from the onion domes of traditional Orthodox churches to the neoclassical and Soviet-era buildings found in its cities.

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