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Location of France on the World Map

Location Of France on 3D Globe

France is located in Western Europe and is bordered by several countries and water bodies. To the north, it shares a border with Belgium and Luxembourg. The English Channel lies to the northwest, separating France from the United Kingdom. To the west, France is bordered by the Bay of Biscay, an arm of the Atlantic Ocean. The country shares its southern border with Spain and Andorra, with the Mediterranean Sea lying to the southeast, providing a scenic coastline. To the east, France borders Italy, Switzerland, Germany, and Monaco, showcasing its central position in continental Europe.


Besides its mainland, France includes several overseas regions and territories, such as French Guiana in South America, Guadeloupe and Martinique in the Caribbean, and Réunion and Mayotte, which are located in the Indian Ocean. These territories extend France's influence and presence across the globe.


France's Bordering Countries: Andorra, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Monaco, Spain, Switzerland, and its proximity to the United Kingdom across the English Channel.

Explore France on Google Maps

Regional Map of France

Regional Map of France Image

Language Map of France

Language Map of France Image

France Satellite Image

France Satellite Image

Population Density of France in Map

Population Density of France in Map

Airport Map of France

Airport Map of France Image

Railway Map of France

Railway Map of France

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